China News Service, Longyan, June 16 (Wang Zhikang and Li Weizhan) Affected by continuous heavy rainfall, many mountain landslides occurred in Liancheng County, Longyan City, Fujian Province on the 14th, causing some roads to be interrupted and remote mountain villages lost.

The picture shows the collapsed house after entering the lost village.

Photo by Liu Xiang

  Liancheng County is located in the western mountainous area of ​​Fujian, at the junction of Fujian, Guangdong and Jiangxi provinces. It is an old revolutionary area and a settlement of Hakka people.

The Fujian Forest Fire Brigade Longyan Detachment Water Rescue Training Team, located on the banks of the Tingjiang River, is the closest mobile rescue team to the disaster-stricken area.

  After receiving the dangerous situation, the team members invited to fight one after another. When the team was in danger, they immediately integrated rescue equipment and dispatched 40 people overnight to Liancheng County to carry out the rescue mission.

The picture shows that under the leadership of local personnel, rescuers arrived at the lost village.

Photo by Si Hanjie

Heading into the lost village against the wind and rain

  Fengshou Village in Gutian Town lost contact with the outside world, and some people were trapped and in critical condition.

After the rescuers arrived at the scene, they found that the surrounding terrain was steep, surrounded by high mountains, the water level of the river had skyrocketed, the roads were broken with trees, and a large amount of gravel and mud had accumulated on the road. The rescuers were unable to maneuver to the lost village.

  According to the situation, the rescuers immediately decided to divide into two groups to carry out the operation.

The picture shows that in the steep terrain, rescuers help villagers to transfer.

Photo by Si Hanjie

  During the trekking process, there were many landslides and loose soil. Rockfalls and broken trees could be seen everywhere, making it difficult to travel. The continuous scouring of the rainstorm caused the river to branch, and the rapids cut off the mountain road, and the deepest point was over 1 meter.

Under the situation of emergency and danger, the rescuers marched into the lost village in the rain, hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder.

The picture shows rescue workers carrying villagers through low-lying areas.

Photo by Liu Xiang

Successfully rescued villagers on foot for 7 kilometers

  After arriving at the lost village, collapsed houses can be seen everywhere, and there are landslides in the nearby mountains, and the situation is urgent.

Rescue workers took the search and rescue and transfer at the same time, and immediately started the rescue work.

  During the transfer process, some villagers were unwilling to transfer. The rescuers coordinated with the village cadres in a timely manner and tried their best to persuade the villagers.

With the patient persuasion of rescuers and village cadres, the villagers agreed to the transfer.

The picture shows that during the transfer process, rescuers picked up the trapped people and crossed the rapids.

Photo by Si Hanjie

  Most of the people in the lost villages are the elderly, who are inconvenient to move, and the road is dangerous. The rescuers have to use the methods of carrying, holding, and holding them to protect the villagers to the maximum extent.

Considering that the villagers live in the village all the year round and have very deep feelings, the rescuers appeased the villagers' emotions all the way.

The picture shows that during the transfer process, rescuers helped the villagers to walk through the dangerous road.

Photo by Si Hanjie

  "Comrade, thank you, if you don't come, how can we get out?" a villager said, holding the rescuer's hand.

"It doesn't matter, this is what we should do. There has been a lot of rain recently. We must always pay attention to the changes in the rain conditions, and ask us for help in time if there is any difficulty."

The picture shows rescuers helping local personnel to cross the bamboo bridge set up when they entered the lost village.

Photo by Si Hanjie

  Moving forward in the mud, guarding in the wind and rain.

After 7 hours of rescue, more than 300 people were evacuated, 6 trapped people were transferred and rescued, 4 landslide points were disposed of, 3 kilometers of roads were evacuated, more than 100 fallen trees were cleared, and the task of transferring people from lost villages was completed.
