China News Service, June 15. According to the website of the Central Meteorological Observatory, from the 15th to the 17th, there will be heavy to heavy rains again in southern China, southern and eastern Jiangnan, and local heavy rains.

From the 15th, there have been persistent high temperature weather in southern Hebei, Henan, Shandong, northern Hubei, northern Jiangsu and Anhui, western Inner Mongolia, Ningxia, and western Gansu.

There are still heavy precipitation processes in South China, Jiangnan and other places

  From the 15th to the 17th, heavy to heavy rains and local heavy rains occurred again in southern China, southern and eastern Jiangnan, and the cumulative precipitation was 50-100 mm. Among them, central and northern Guangxi, central and northern Guangdong, southern Hunan, southern and eastern Jiangxi And the accumulated precipitation in northern Fujian and other places is 120-200 mm, and the local area is more than 250 mm; the maximum hourly precipitation is 40-60 mm, and the local area is more than 80 mm.

The precipitation develops from south to north, and the intensity gradually increases.

  It is expected that from 08:00 on June 15 to 08:00 on June 16, there will be heavy to heavy rains in parts of southern Fujian, southern Jiangxi, Guangdong, eastern and southern Guangxi, southern and western Yunnan, and southeastern Tibet, and local heavy rains (100~ 130 mm).

Some of the above-mentioned areas are accompanied by short-term heavy rainfall (the maximum hourly rainfall is 20-50 mm, and the local area can exceed 60 mm), and there are local strong convective weather such as thunderstorms and strong winds.

The Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue a blue rainstorm warning at 06:00 on June 15.

Forecast map of heavy rainfall areas across the country (08:00 on June 15th - 08:00 on June 16th)

  From the 18th to the 21st, the main rain area gradually developed to the north. There was a strong rainfall process in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and most of its south, accompanied by strong convective weather such as short-term heavy precipitation, local thunderstorms and strong winds.

  Around the 23rd, there was a light to moderate rainy weather process from west to east and north to south in eastern Northwest China, North China, and eastern Huanghuai, with local heavy rain or heavy rain.

There will be hot weather in Huanghuai, North China and other places

  From the 15th, there have been persistent high temperature weather in southern Hebei, Henan, Shandong, northern Hubei, northern Jiangsu and Anhui, western Inner Mongolia, Ningxia, and western Gansu.

Strong precipitation in Eastern Europe, Latin America, Canada and other places

  In the next three days, there will be moderate to heavy rain, local heavy rain or heavy rain, accompanied by strong convection such as thunderstorms and strong winds in the southern foothills of the Himalayas, northern Eastern Europe, Central America, northern and southeastern South America, central and western Canada, and the southern coast of West Africa. The weather, the high-altitude mountains in central and southern Chile have heavy snowfalls.

High temperature weather in South Asia, Central Asia, Southern Europe, the United States and other places

  In the next three days, there will be significantly high temperatures in northern India, Pakistan, the Middle East, central and southern Central Asia, northern Africa, western southern Europe, southern France, and the southeastern United States, with local temperatures exceeding 40°C.

Specific forecast for the next three days

  From 08:00 on June 15 to 08:00 on June 16, there were moderate to heavy rains in parts of southern Jiangnan, central and eastern South China, southern and western Yunnan, and eastern Tibet. Among them, southern Fujian, southern Jiangxi, Guangdong, eastern and southern Guangxi, There are heavy rains or heavy rains (100-130 mm) in parts of southern and western Yunnan, southeastern Tibet and other places.

National precipitation forecast map (08:00 on June 15th - 08:00 on the 16th)

  From 08:00 on June 16 to 08:00 on June 17, there were moderate to heavy rains in parts of central Heilongjiang, central Jilin, southeastern Tibet, central and southern Jiangnan, and most of southern China. Among them, southeastern Tibet, southeastern Jiangxi, There are heavy rains or heavy rains (100-120 mm) in parts of western and central and northern Fujian, southwestern Yunnan, and eastern Guangxi.

There are 5-7 winds in parts of Xinjiang along the Tianshan Mountains and the Southern Xinjiang Basin.

National precipitation forecast map (08:00 on June 16th - 08:00 on the 17th)

  From 08:00 on June 17th to 08:00 on the 18th, there were moderate to heavy rains in parts of southeastern Tibet, central, eastern and southern Jiangnan, and most of southern China. Among them, southeastern Tibet, central Jiangxi, northwestern Fujian, northern Guangxi, There are heavy rains or heavy rains (100-120 mm) in parts of northern Guangdong and other places.

There are winds of magnitude 4 to 6 in parts of western Inner Mongolia, southern Xinjiang Basin, and Hexi in Gansu, among which there are winds of magnitude 7 to 8 in parts of eastern Xinjiang.

National precipitation forecast map (08:00 on June 17th - 08:00 on the 18th)