According to a survey of labor groups regarding "physiological pain" and "menopause" of working women, more than 70% of those in their 40s or older felt symptoms that seemed to be menopause, and nearly 20% took paid leave to respond. I did.

The labor organization "Union Tokyo" conducted a questionnaire survey on menstrual pain and menopause from March to April in an attempt to create an environment where women can continue to work, and received responses from 1319 working women.

As a result, 90% of the respondents answered that they had or had menstrual pain,

and 62% of the respondents answered that they had or had

menstrual pain.

On the other hand,

▽ "menstrual leave" was less than half, 6%.

In addition, when asked if 713 people in their 40s or older had symptoms that seemed to be menopause, 74 people answered some symptoms such as "easy to get tired", "stiff shoulders / headache", and "irritated". As for the coping method,

▽ "going to the hospital / taking medicine" was 39%, and

▽ "paid leave" was 17%.

In Rengotokyo, "There is a voice that it is difficult to take menstrual leave because I do not want to be known to male bosses, and I hear that there are no dedicated leave for menopause, and some people work with patience or quit their jobs. It is necessary to discuss a system that makes it easy to take a rest even with menopause. "