Over the past few months, property market loosening policies across the country have been implemented one after another.

In addition to conventional measures such as rationally adjusting the scope of purchase restrictions and increasing provident fund loan quotas, many cities have focused their attention on innovative aspects such as home purchases for families with multiple children.

According to institutional statistics, since the beginning of this year, the property market loosening policy has involved 171 provinces, cities and localities, and the policy frequency has been issued more than 300 times in all regions.

  What will happen to the domestic property market in the future?

In this regard, Shen Mengru, an associate professor at the E-Commerce Research Center of Beijing Jiaotong University, believes that due to factors such as the domestic epidemic and financial policies, the domestic property market is currently in a wait-and-see period, and this wait-and-see period may continue for 3 to 6 months.

(Liu Yinghan)

Responsible editor: [Li Ji]