[Explanation] Dance, painting and calligraphy, Taijiquan... At the Xuelinxuan Community Senior College in Hefei City, Anhui Province, the elderly not only have a colorful life, but also make many like-minded friends and enjoy a beautiful life together.

This is inseparable from the dedication of Zhao Labao, the president of the University for the Elderly. Although he is over seventy years old, he is still busy with the University for the elderly at his doorstep...

  [Explanation] In 2016, Zhao Labao, who is enthusiastic about public welfare, learned that the elderly around him have a strong need to expand their life circle and enrich their life content. He had previously worked at the grassroots level and decided to use his residual energy to establish a university for the elderly.

  [Explanation] Publishing admissions brochures, recruiting professional teachers, and arranging course activities... Once the University for the elderly was established, it was welcomed by the elderly and became a learning and interactive platform for the elderly. The elderly have "arts" to learn and "friends" to learn. pay.

  [Concurrent] Dance student Gong Xiaoyu

  I think the atmosphere here is very good in all aspects, so the teachers teach well, and the enthusiasm of the students is also very high, so by learning dance, we can improve our own literary accomplishment and quality in all aspects, so I am very happy to participate in them activity.

  [Concurrent] Zhao Labao, President of Xuelinxuan Community University for the Elderly, Hefei City, Anhui Province

  Through several years of development, we can learn and enjoy ourselves.

All these old people are gathered together, they have learned knowledge, cultivated their sentiments, and harmonized their families.

  [Explanation] According to Zhao Labao, at present, the University for the elderly has set up 20 classes with nearly 700 students, most of whom are retirees. The University for the elderly has become the favorite place for these elderly people, not only life is fun, It also makes the family more harmonious.

  [Concurrent] Calligraphy teacher Chu Gang

  Practicing qi after calligraphy practice is very helpful for the elderly to improve their temperament.

While practicing calligraphy, that is to say, dealing with family relationships, there are many elderly people whose temperament becomes much smaller after practicing calligraphy.

  [Concurrent] Geng Guangying, Vice President of Xuelinxuan Community University for the Elderly, Hefei City, Anhui Province

  Pleasant and healthy, I myself feel happy here.

The senior school is the spiritual home of our senior citizens, and there are a group of friends here.

  [Explanation] The University for the Elderly is not only about learning skills and talents, but more importantly, it is about mutual help and solidarity among the elderly.

When a practitioner falls ill and is hospitalized, other practitioners take turns to take care of them at the hospital to help them through difficult times.

Driven by Zhao Labao, more and more people have become community volunteers.

  [Concurrent] Zhao Labao, President of Xuelinxuan Community University for the Elderly, Hefei City, Anhui Province

  In this epidemic prevention and control, I mobilized these volunteers, and took turns on duty in the morning, afternoon, and evening, and then participated in some social activities, such as picking up garbage, doing hygiene, and participating in some activities to learn from Lei Feng.

They are also willing to do these things and do some volunteer service activities, which we have formed a habit.

  Reporter Zhang Jun reports from Hefei, Anhui

Responsible editor: [Ji Xiang]