China News Service, Tianjin, May 31, Question: Why is World No Tobacco Day the day before "June 1"?

This is the best gift for kids

  Author: Yang Ziyang, Sun Lingling

  Tomorrow is June 1 International Children's Day, and today is World No Tobacco Day.

  According to data, in November 1987, the World Health Organization recommended that April 7 every year be designated as World No Tobacco Day, and it has been implemented since 1988.

Since 1989, World No Tobacco Day has been changed to May 31 every year, because the next day is International Children's Day, hoping that the next generation will be free from the harm of tobacco.

  Every "Six Day", I believe that many parents will prepare all kinds of exquisite gifts for their children, but we believe that the best gift is to protect children from tobacco and give them a "smoke-free and worry-free" growth environment.

  As we all know, warnings such as "smoking is harmful to health" should be printed on the cigarette packs of all cigarettes, prompting people to smoke less or quit cigarettes.

Tobacco smoke contains at least 69 carcinogens. When the human body is exposed to these carcinogens, the carcinogens will cause permanent mutations in key genes in the body and gradually accumulate. Statistics show that tobacco kills more than 1 million people in my country every year. .

  Speaking of this, many people may still have luck, and it is this kind of luck that led some smokers to fish for three days and two days in the process of quitting smoking.

Photo courtesy of Tianjin Municipal Health and Health Commission for the 35th World No Tobacco Day poster

  Have you heard the sighs of the smokers around you? It's not that you don't want to quit smoking, it's just that quitting smoking is too difficult!

Chewing gum, eating chocolate, trying to divert attention, quit smoking for a few days to a few weeks at a time, and then forget about the original resolution.

  Is nicotine doing the trick, or has the dangers of smoking never really been seen?

  "Some patients see the checklist and learn that they have lung disease, and they can often quit smoking immediately! It is true that smokers are physically dependent on nicotine in tobacco, but according to my years of clinical experience, psychological factors have The impact of quitting smoking is often very large." Chen Jun, director of the Department of Lung Cancer Surgery, General Hospital of Tianjin Medical University, gave an analogy to reporters: when looking at the comparison between the lungs that have turned black due to long-term smoking and the healthy lungs, this kind of The visual impact makes many people feel deeply touched.

  "But there are still some smokers who have this mentality: Many people who smoke will never get lung cancer in their entire lives, but some people get lung cancer if they don't smoke. Why should I quit smoking?" Chen Jun said, in fact, whether this is cancer is a probability. The problem is like the relationship between 0 and 100. Smokers are definitely more likely to get lung cancer than non-smokers, but they can’t be lucky because of a few cases. When some patients end up breathing hard because of lung cancer, I finally realized that I can no longer smoke, but it was too late.

  Hearing this, are you still hesitant to quit smoking?

Smoking not only endangers your own health, but also endangers the health of your family. As Children's Day is approaching, let's take a closer look at the harm of second-hand smoke to children.

  In China, about 180 million children are exposed to secondhand smoke every day.

Some studies have pointed out that the family is the main place for children to be exposed to secondhand smoke, and secondhand smoke exposure in the family may affect children's mood and behavior, and increase the possibility of their future smoking.

  Many parents feel that they do not smoke much and that it will not affect their children. However, in May last year, the National Health Commission and the WHO representative in China jointly released the "China Smoking Harmful Health Report 2020" (hereinafter referred to as the "Report") to raise the issue of There is no so-called "safe level" of second-hand smoke. Second-hand smoke contains a lot of harmful substances and carcinogens. Short-term exposure to second-hand smoke will also cause harm to human health.

  Evidence suggests that exposure to secondhand smoke can lead to childhood asthma, lung cancer, and coronary heart disease.

There is also ample evidence that exposure to secondhand smoke can cause asthma in children, exacerbate the condition of children with asthma, and affect asthma treatment outcomes.

  Speaking of which, there are still smokers who feel that as long as they are well ventilated, their children at home will not be affected.

The "Report" clearly pointed out that the existence of ventilation devices such as exhaust fans and air conditioners cannot completely prevent non-smokers from inhaling second-hand smoke.

A complete ban on smoking indoors is the only effective way to avoid the dangers of secondhand smoke.

  "If there is a father who smokes, there may be a son who smokes." Chen Jun believes that it is necessary to let children realize that smoking is a bad habit from an early age. Smoking may lead to the occurrence of various diseases. In family education, Parents need to take the lead, not only for their own sake, but also for the sake of their children.

  As a smoker of parents of children, after listening to this, do you want to put out the cigarette in your hand?

  At present, the tremendous changes brought about by the epidemic have made us more aware of the value of life and health.

When adults no longer have cigarettes between their index and middle fingers, children will no longer be forced to smoke.

  Tomorrow is Children's Day, let's make up our minds to give our children a smoke-free love.
