Whether Qingming was written by Du Mu, a famous poet in the late Tang Dynasty, is divided.

Professor Chen Shangjun, president of the Tang Dynasty Literary Society, claimed that "Qingming" "should have appeared in the folk after the Southern Song Dynasty, and it was attached to Du Mu" ("Tang Poems for Truth").

In April 2020, in an interview with "Southern People Weekly", Chen Shangjun reiterated the old saying - "This poem was written in the Song Dynasty" ("Full Tang Poems, 49,403 Poems, Many Pseudo Poems", "Southern People Weekly" Issue 9 ), there are two reasons: First, this poem is not included in Du Mu’s collection of works and “Complete Tang Poems”;

Professor Luo Man disagrees with Chen's statement. He wrote the article "Is Du Mu's Qingming a Song Poem?" ("Guangming Daily", May 24, 2021, 13th edition), and believes that "Qingming" has been misunderstood for a long time, and "Qingming" in the Tang Dynasty has been misunderstood. , Judging from the use of Song Qi Ci in the early Song Dynasty and the records of the music history "Taiping Huanyu Ji", the author's authorship should still belong to Du Mu.

Rowan's perspective is novel and inspiring, but there is still room for discussion.

  Luo Wen firstly demonstrated that the Tang Dynasty paid equal attention to Cold Food and Qingming, and understood that "Qingming" is a poem dedicated to chanting 'Qingming Festival' or even the sad poems on the way home from tomb sweeping or seeing people sweeping tombs. Misunderstanding", thus inferring that "Qingming" is not a Song poem.

"Book of Rites Royal System" says: "Chen poetry is to observe folk customs." However, it is a seemingly feasible but unreliable method to infer the writing age of poetry from folk customs.

Because a hundred miles of different customs and a thousand miles of different styles, not to mention two dynasties spanning hundreds of years, there is no necessary causal relationship to infer the author's attribution from the similarities and differences of folk customs.

Whether it is the Tang Dynasty that emphasizes both festivals or the Song Dynasty that emphasizes Qingming, it is impossible to infer the uniqueness and inevitability of the author of "Qingming".

By the way, Miao Yue's "Two Questions About Du Mu's Qingming Poems" ("Literature and History Knowledge", 1983, No. 12) questioned one of the two main reasons for the attribution of the author of "Qingming". "Soul" and "village" that rhyme with "soul" are alike, which is not in line with the rhyme habits of the Tang people.

From using rhyme to disprove and from folklore to infer, both of them made the same mistake in logic.

Wang Li said, "The first sentence of the Song Dynasty seems to be intentional, and it can be said to be a fashion." Poetics (Part 1)"), and listed seven masterpieces such as Zhang Ji's "Sending Li Bo" in the middle and late Tang Dynasty and Han Xi's "Ti Gongmen" as proofs.

  Luo Wen also closely followed the record in the early Song Dynasty's "Taiping Huanyu Ji" volume 90 Shengzhou "Xinghua Village is located in the west of (Jiangning) County, and it is said that Du Muzhi's wine shop", citing Liu Xuekai's Commentary on Selected Poems of Tang Dynasty. "It can be proved that there has been a legend that Du Mu sold wine in Xinghua Village before, so this poem is said to have been written by Du Mu in the Five Dynasties or before the Five Dynasties." can be trusted."

This is not impeccable, because the territory of Xinghua Village and "Qingming" must be written by Du Mu, and there is no causal logical relationship between the two.

Assuming that the "Taiping Huanyu Ji" is true, it only records Du Mugu's wine and Xinghua Village, but does not quote the "Qingming" poem.

Therefore, even Liu Xuekai also said that the copyright of this poem is "still controversial".

Liu Yongxiang's "Seven-character Quarantine Proposal" ("Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)", No. 6, 1996) also admitted that there is such a legend in "Taiping Huanyu Ji", but said that the "Qingming" poem "due to There is a shortage of books, and so far the author has not been identified.”

According to Lang Yongqing's "Analysis of the Dispute over "Xinghua Village" ("Chinese Local Chronicles", No. 3, 2003), we have reviewed the Sikuquan books of the music history "Taiping Huanyu Ji" and ancient Nanjing local chronicles mentioned by Liu Yongxiang and Liu Xuekai. There is no record of "Xinghua Village" and "Du Mugu Liquor". This legend should originate from the "Xinxu Jiangning Prefecture Chronicle" in the 16th year of Jiaqing in the Qing Dynasty (1811). "Huanyu Ji" said that Du Mugu Liquor" 's falsehood.

The author checked the photocopies of Zhonghua Book Company in 1999 "The Story of Taiping Universe in Song Dynasty" and Zhonghua Book Company in 2007, and found nothing.

I don't know what is the basis of Er Liu?

It can be seen that Luo Wen used the music history "Taiping Huanyu Ji" to presume that "Qingming" was attributed to Du Mu in the early years of the Northern Song Dynasty, which is unconvincing.

  Luo Wen's most important proof is the use of "Qingming" by Song Qi's "Jinzhuangdao" in the early Song Dynasty, but there are doubts about it.

Bian Dongbo's "Qingming Festival" by Du Mu?

"("Knowledge of Literature and History", 2006, No. 4) believes that "Song Qi was influenced by Du Mu's poems" and "no basis has been found in the literature at present".

What's more, it is not yet conclusive whether "Jin Nang Dao" was written by Song Qi.

Ji Yonggui's "Re-examination of Du Mu's "Qingming" Poem Cases" ("Journal of Chizhou University", No. 2, 2010) found that "Song Qi's copyright on this poem was only proposed in the late Ming Dynasty".

Tang Guizhang, who is known for his fine-tuning, is not under the name of Song Qi. Zhonghua Book Company published "Quan Song Ci" supplemented by Wang Zhongwen in 1965, and listed "Jinzhuang Dao" as "Cunmu Ci". , see the first volume of "The Poetry of the Thatched Cottage"." (p. 117) If the "Jinhuangdao" was written by Song Qi, it would not make sense, because Song Qi died in 1061, and Tian Yuxining six years (1073). In March, the "Fan Chuan Collection" was compiled, if Song Qi had seen "Qingming", but it was translated into "Jin Tangle Road" as: "Ask the shepherd boy, Yao Zhi Gu Village Road: 'In the depths of the apricot flowers, where Others have it.'" How could Tian Jing, who is also well-informed and knowledgeable and who compiled the "Jing Zhao Jin Shi Lu", not know it?

  Miao Yue, Luo Shijin, Chen Shangjun and other scholars questioned and even judged that Qingming was not written by Du Mu from the perspectives of phonology, philology, poetry style, etc. "Bie Ji", "Outer Collection" and "Complete Tang Poems" compiled by the Qing Dynasty, "Fan Chuan Poetry Notes" by Feng Jiwu, did not include this poem.

Luo Wen also frankly stated that "only from the perspective of literature, the origin of "Qingming" is indeed unclear. When discussing the origin of the poems of "Qingming" and the collection of selected poems, there are also issues that can be discussed in terms of literature and academic theory.

  Luo Wen thought that "the title of the poem "Qingming" may be excerpted from the first two words 'Qingming' in the first sentence", "Perhaps it is the poem of "Qingming" that has nothing to do with the Qingming Festival. On the one hand, the society called "Qingming" a 'Tang poetry', and on the other hand, the title of the poem in "Qingming" was changed to "Xinghua Village"." As we all know, the poets of the Tang Dynasty had a high degree of self-consciousness in formulating the title of the poem, let alone the Song Dynasty.

The "Splendid Valley of Ten Thousand Flowers" and "The Selected Poems of Tang and Song Shixian Qianjia", which are classified as class books, all follow the same class, and the "class name" must not be completely equated with the "poem title".

"Splendid Valley of Ten Thousand Flowers" is collected in Volume 26 of the "Village" category, including the following Hualiu Village, Huanhua Village, Xinghua Village, Zhuchen Village, Kechou Village, Jiang Village, Gu Village, etc., and then select poems under their names.

"Xinghua Village" is actually a category name marked according to the content.

In fact, the editor of "Splendid Valley of Ten Thousand Flowers" did not change "the poem title of "Qingming" to "Xinghua Village".

The first titled "Qingming" and placed under the name of Du Mu is "Selected Poems of Tang and Song Shixian Qianjia", which was written in the Song and Yuan Dynasties. From the fifteenth year of Xi’s reign (1188) to the end of the Southern Song Dynasty, how could previous generations “change the title of the poem in Qingming to “Xinghua Village” based on the principle of future generations?

  Luo Wen also said: "The Splendid Valley of Ten Thousand Flowers will not call "Qingming" ("Xinghua Village") a 'Tang poetry' for no reason. The unknown origin does not directly mean that its poetry is not true." It is undoubtedly the most convincing right way to deduce the authorship of Qingming from the perspective of learning.

According to Chen Shangjun and Bian Dongbo, the earliest collection of "Qingming" that we have seen so far is the collection of "Splendid Valley of Thousand Flowers" compiled by an anonymous Southern Song Dynasty and later compiled in the fifth year of Lizong Baoyou (1257) by Xie Weixin, "A Combination of Ancient and Modern" Class Preparation".

The former is marked "Out of Tang Poems", while the latter is marked with "Ancient Selected Poems", neither of which has the author's name.

Although the second book is widely cited, the source labeling is not rigorous enough.

Luo Wen said, "The Splendid Valley of Ten Thousand Flowers will not be for nothing", which means that the "Tang Poems" signed are extremely credible and reliable.

According to the review, "Splendid Valley of Ten Thousand Flowers" has "Tang Poems" in 6 places, of which there are 3 places that belong to Song poetry. "Yin Comes" is actually from Xu Fu's "A Spring Tour on the Lake".

The rudeness of home selection can be seen, so the source of the "Splendid Valley of Ten Thousand Flowers" must not be completely trusted.

  Du Mu had previously self-immolated seventy-eight out of ten manuscripts, and when he was seriously ill, he commissioned Pei Yanhan to compile it.

Pei's searched for 20 years, "more than ten or seven or eight" ("Fan Chuan Poetry Anthology" preface to Pei Yanhan's "Fan Chuan Works Preface"), and this poem was not included.

Tian Jing in the early Northern Song Dynasty has not been seen either.

From Hong Mai's "10,000 Tangren Quatrains" in the early Southern Song Dynasty to Lin Qingzhi's "Tang Dynasty Quatrains" and Ke Mengde's "Tang Xian Quatrains", there is no "Qingming" figure.

It is impossible to use chance to explain the sudden and upright path of "Qingming" after placing orders again and again.

If "Qingming" was written by Du Mu, then it would be impossible to explain "Splendid Valley of Ten Thousand Flowers" seven times without the word "Out of Du Mu" but marked the poem as "Out of Tang Poem", and it would be impossible to explain "A Combination of Ancient and Modern" in which "Du Mu" was signed in more than 140 places. Class Preparations", this poem is from "Ancient Selected Poems".

"Splendid Valley of Ten Thousand Flowers" and "The Combination of Ancient and Modern Things" are indeed inferior, and "Selected Poems of Tang and Song Shixian Thousands of Poems" is a fake and forged work by a bookstore.

There are many confusions in the source of the three books, but there are three different directions in the source label of "Qingming".

It is also logically unreasonable to have the "Selected Poems from Thousands of Poems" published at the latest, where "even the names of the authors of the poems are often displayed" (see Liu Yongxiang's article).

Even if, as Luo Wen said, there is a possibility that Wei Zhuang's "Qin Fu Yin" will see the light of day again due to some kind of opportunity, but we must not forget that Wang Guowei is familiar with the famous line of Wei's poems: "The streets of the sky are trampled on the bones of the princes, and the inner vaults are burned. Find the truth for the splendid gray".

"Qingming" is catchy, elegant and popular, and it is easier said than done to avoid a series of "treasure hunters" such as Pei Yanhan, Tian Ying, Hong Mai and so on.

  (Author: Xie Hailin, professor of Fujian Normal University)