Regarding the aggregation of the infection status of the new corona, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare has classified it as "uninoculated" if the vaccination history is not entered in the notification submitted by the infected person. I reviewed the correspondence so.

According to government officials, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare has classified the infection status of the new corona as "unvaccinated" if the notification submitted by the infected person to the health center does not include the vaccination history.

However, with this counting method, people who have actually been vaccinated may be counted as unvaccinated, and the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare classifies them as "inoculation history unknown" from the materials submitted to the expert meeting on the 11th of this month. It means that the correspondence was reviewed.

Chief Cabinet Secretary Matsuno said at a press conference in the morning, "We did not treat those who were notified that they had been vaccinated as unvaccinated, but it is important to show the data on vaccination in an easy-to-understand format as much as possible." rice field.