If you like movies, maybe you have seen his video - "Lentils Watching Movies".

This account has more than 10 million fans on the entire network, and has commented on nearly 500 movies. The owner behind it is He Ziqiang.

Now he is not only an UP master (referring to someone who uploads video and audio files on video websites, forums, etc.), but also the director of a movie "Sword of Heart" that will be released in theaters on May 28.

This is He Ziqiang's first theatrical film, and it is also a phased answer to his many years of film dreams.

  Known as "He Dao" since college

  In fact, the people around him called He Ziqiang "He Dao" since college, but at that time he felt that he could not afford this title.

  After graduating from high school, He Ziqiang, like most of his classmates, followed the trend and chose the popular major at that time - electronic information engineering.

But he didn't follow the trajectory, and on the broad road of college, he encountered movies.

  The movie allowed He Ziqiang to see the wonders of light and shadow, and he found that the movie was like his good teacher and friend, teaching him how to find himself in his self-shaping youth.

"Film broadened my horizons and made me realize that there are so many moving things in this world. These beautiful things inspire me."

  He Ziqiang mentioned the movie "Dead Poets Society". He will always remember the scene at the end of the film, when the students said their poems in their mouths, stepped on the desk firmly, and looked at the teacher at the door with their eyes like a torch, saying goodbye to him.

At that moment, He Ziqiang felt a strong touch in his heart, "There are still many beautiful things in this world worthy of our pursuit." As a movie fan, at this moment, he was moved by the spirit conveyed in the movie, and at the same time, the dream that was just around the corner in his heart also Quietly Sprout: Why not try making a movie yourself?

  So when he graduated from the senior year and everyone was busy looking for a job, He Ziqiang wrote and directed a selfie "movie".

In his eyes today, that work was so immature that it couldn't even be called a movie, but that was where the dream began.

Taking campus life as the theme, friends helped, classmates made cameos, and even rented a house near the school for half a year after graduation to complete the final editing work.

After the film was completed, it was screened at the school, and it was well received by teachers and students. After the screening, students gathered around to call him "Director He" and asked for his autograph.

  At that moment, He Ziqiang felt that he was eating this bowl of rice.

So he came to Beijing full of enthusiasm and confidence, determined to make movies.

  Find the balance between life and dreams

  But the reality is cruel.

He Ziqiang, who just came to Beijing, found that the so-called "genius dream" was nothing but the arrogance of a teenager.

  He Ziqiang has made commercials and even wedding videos, but this is not what he wants.

He kept asking himself, "Why did I come to Beijing? It's not for the sake of food." He wanted to find the balance between his life and his dreams, what things could make money and stay on the road of drama movies Woolen cloth?

Taking advantage of the short video, he decided to be the UP master of movie commentary.

  Movie commentary, not only can you have the opportunity to think deeply about classic movies, but also gradually understand the industry, understand the market, and solve economic problems through feedback from fans.

"I don't want me to consume my passion for movies and forget my original intentions in the process of shooting commercials and recording weddings."

  At the beginning, there were few accounts on the account, but slowly, He Ziqiang figured out the preferences of fans and grasped the pulse of the market.

Therefore, the strategy was adjusted. The selection of films became more commercialized, the content became more in-depth, and the duration gradually increased. It turned out to be a good result. "Lentil Watching Movies" has gradually attracted more and more people's attention, until now it has become a million-level account. Self-improvement has become a well-known UP master in the film and television category.

  While the video has been well received, He Ziqiang is constantly polishing and improving himself, and learning has never stopped, because movies are his ultimate dream.

  The movie's theme is "Confused"

  In He Ziqiang's view, the most important thing in college is to find yourself, "You must be clear about what you like and what kind of person you want to become in the future." He believes that there are too many voices in the society now, and the society is always telling children To be obedient, young people often give up the right to listen to their own voices, choose a path that everyone is walking, and then lose themselves in the infinite involution.

  Filmmaking generally has a motif, and He Ziqiang's motif is "confusion".

He believes that everyone is lost, so it's important to find yourself.

  Finally, He Ziqiang's chance came, and the script of "Sword of the Heart" found him.

The background of the story is set in the Ming Dynasty, where the two brothers with humble official positions faced many challenges in life, with entanglements and compromises.

Characters are little people, the "us" in ordinary life.

  However, life is always more tortuous than movies.

The movie was about to start, and most of the creators arrived in Hengdian, but the sudden epidemic made everything have to be suspended.

Fortunately, the epidemic gradually improved after that. The team seized the time and raced against the clock. It took a year, and after countless nights of overthrow and rebirth, tangled and polished, "Sword of the Heart" was finally completed.

At that moment, He Ziqiang just wanted to take a good rest.

  After many years of ups and downs, He Ziqiang's works have finally moved from the school auditorium to the big screen of the cinema. This is his original dream, but it is not the end, but a new starting point. "I hope my works can have some kind of connection with the audience. , and I hope the audience can like my work.”

  As for the future, He Ziqiang said that he will continue the creation of "Lentil Watching Movies" and will continue to follow the path of cinema movies.

  Text/Reporter Xiao Yang, intern Li Zhengyang