In a case where a seriously injured man was brought to a hospital in Shibuya Ward, Tokyo and died afterwards, the Police Agency said that a 32-year-old suspect had assaulted and killed an unfamiliar man who was present at a convenience store. Was re-arrested on suspicion of.

The person who was re-arrested was Keiji Murata (32), a restaurant employee.

According to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, there is a suspicion of injury and death on the 18th of this month, alleging that he was killed by hitting a dispatched employee, Toshikazu Tanaka (50).

Murata was arrested on suspicion of assault after driving the victim's man to the hospital and then leaving.

Mr. Tanaka was beaten at a convenience store in Shinbashi, Tokyo, and was taken to a girl's bar where the suspect works and was beaten.

The Metropolitan Police Department is investigating the details of the situation, assuming that the victim was killed by unilaterally beating an unfamiliar victim.

According to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, he said to the investigation, "I don't remember because I was drunk, but I think I hit him because of a trivial matter."