As of May 25, the "utilization rate of secured beds" in Okinawa Prefecture was 51% as an index showing the level of medical tightness in prefectures regarding the infection status of the new coronavirus. It exceeds the standard of "level to strengthen measures" set by the government subcommittee.

The government's "New Coronavirus Infectious Disease Countermeasures Subcommittee" summarizes the idea that countermeasures will be taken with an emphasis on the degree of tightness in medical care.

Since the degree of tightness in medical care varies from prefecture to prefecture, it is the prefecture's decision to determine the level.

In response to this, the Cabinet Secretariat has shown two indicators for determining the level of prefectures: "load on medical care provision system" and "infection status".

Of these, there are five items in the "load on the medical care provision system, etc.", such as "usage rate of secured beds" and "usage rate of severely secured beds".

In addition, there are five items in "Infection status" such as "Positive rate of PCR test", "Number of new positives" per 100,000 people, and "Ratio of people whose infection route is unknown".

The Cabinet Secretariat has released data for all 47 prefectures nationwide as of May 25.

Of these, the "use rate of secured beds" is 51% in Okinawa Prefecture, which exceeds the "level for strengthening measures" indicated by the government subcommittee, which is 50% or more.

Data by prefecture is introduced in detail on the NHK special website.

Have a look at this.

Special site New coronavirus