[Explanation] Flowering tune is popular in Wuxiang, Zuoquan, Xiangyuan, Qinxian and other places in Taihang Mountains. It is named after "flowering" in the lyrics.

Its comparison is extensive, flowers and trees, food and clothing, grains, etc., can all "bloom" and be compared.

  [Commentary] On May 23, at the Mass Art Museum of Wuxiang County, Changzhi City, Shanxi Province, flowering tune artist Wang Maijun and Fang Sufen rehearsed a new arrangement and singing.

38-year-old Wang Maijun has been singing the blossoming tune for more than 20 years.

  【Concurrent】Flowering artist Wang Maijun

  I grew up listening to my mother's flowering tune.

Blossom tone has brought me a lot of inspiration in my artistic career.

  [Explanation] Flowering tune is the voice of the working people. It has left a deep imprint in different periods in the history of Wuxiang. It is a good carrier for studying the customs and social changes of Wuxiang.

  [Concurrent] Li Xingguang, curator of Wuxiang County Mass Art Museum

  In the history of Wuxiang, flowering tune has left a deep imprint in each period.

It can also be said that through the study of flowering tune, you can discover the life scenes of the working people in Wuxiang in each period.

For example, when escaping, the blossom tone was relatively low, and it evolved into the period of the Anti-Japanese War, and the blossom tone had a passion.

  [Explanation] One after another, the blooming tunes are integrated into the "mountain beams and beams" of Taihang Mountain.

In Wuxiang, men and women of all ages can hum and sing impromptu lyrics in a blossoming tune.

Sing when you are working, sing when you are relieved, when young men and women are in love, and every event such as Chinese New Year, auspicious celebrations, red and white events, etc., it is indispensable to add flowers to the fun.

  [Concurrent] Li Xingguang, curator of Wuxiang County Mass Art Museum

  Wuxiang's flowering tune, its origin has been impossible to verify.

But for a long time, our working people have to sing the tune of flowers during farming, labor, and festivals. It can be said that the tune of flowering is closely related to the lives of the people in Wuxiang, and it has been sung more than ever.

  [Commentary] "Yam eggs bloom, ge eggs, ge eggs kiss", "oil lamps are blooming a little brighter, and the small wine cup is not too poor for you to dig rice", etc. The flowering tunes mostly use dialect words such as "ge liang" and "ge eggs". Familiar, with distinctive regional artistic characteristics.

  [Concurrent] Li Xingguang, curator of Wuxiang County Mass Art Museum

  After entering the new era, in terms of rural revitalization, flowering tune has played an irreplaceable role, because flowering tune is widely spread in the eastern part of Wuxiang, and its popular group is the rural people.

  [Explanation] Nowadays, the performance venues of Hua Tiao have moved from the fields to the stage. In Wuxiang, a group of folk artists such as Fang Sufen and Wang Maijun have grown up.

  [Concurrent] Blossoming artist Fang Sufen

  I have been singing Blossom Tunes for thirty or forty years, and I think Blossom Tunes are very good. Wuxiang Blossom Tunes not only brought me benefits on the art stage, but also brought me a lot of fun in life.

  Upward Gao Ruifeng reports from Changzhi, Shanxi

Responsible editor: [Sun Jingbo]