China News Service, Changzhi, May 23rd: Visiting the Millennium Ancient Temple Dayun Temple: Once a new look for the grain depot

  Author Gao Ruifeng

  There are many pavings outside the wall, and the ancient charm inside the wall is long.

A thousand-year-old temple, hidden in the busy city.

On the 22nd, Chang Yiming, a 63-year-old clerk, visited the temple as usual. He said, "It's summer, the temperature is rising, and wooden buildings are most afraid of fire. If you don't take a look around, you won't be relieved."

  In Gucheng Village, Gucheng Town, Wuxiang County, Shanxi Province, the newly renovated Dayun Temple has a magnificent palace, a deep courtyard, and glazed tiles glowing brightly in the sun.

Chang Yiming introduced, "The monastery was occupied by the grain depot for a period of time, the murals on the walls were damaged, and there was a shortage of glazed tiles."

The Dayun Temple in Wuxiang County, Shanxi Province covers an area of ​​more than 7,900 square meters. The main building of the Daxiong Palace is the original structure of the Jin Dynasty, and the rest were built in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

Photo by Gao Ruifeng

  The Dayun Temple is located in the north and faces the south, with two courtyards, covering an area of ​​more than 7,900 square meters.

Among them, the main building, the Daxiong Palace, is the original structure of the Jin Dynasty, and the rest were built in the Ming and Qing dynasties, which are also quite relics of the Jin and Yuan Dynasties.

  "It is unknown when the Dayun Temple was founded. According to the inscriptions in the temple, it was originally the seat of Nie's County in the Eastern Han Dynasty. It was originally named Yanjing Temple (also known as Yanjing Temple or Yanjing Temple). During the Northern Song Dynasty, it was renamed Dayun Temple." Wuxiang Ji Jianjun, a staff member of the County Cultural Relics Protection and Tourism Development Center, introduced that in 2001, the temple was announced as the fifth batch of national key cultural relics protection units.

In 2001, Dayun Temple in Wuxiang County was announced as the fifth batch of national key cultural relics protection units.

Photo by Gao Ruifeng

  In 2005, when the Dayun Temple was repaired, a statue stele and three Buddha heads were unearthed in the fourth year of the Qing Dynasty (AD 565) in the Northern Qi Dynasty.

The inscription "Rebuilt in the fifteenth year of Jin Dading (AD 1175)" was found on the beam of the Daxiong Palace.

  The stone tablet in the eighth year of Jintaihe (AD 1208) in the temple has the inscription "It is called 'Yanjing (Yanjing)', and it was changed to 'Dayun (cloud)' in the summer of April in the first year of Song Zhiping (AD 1064). , there are still stone carvings” records.

On the west wall of the main entrance of the Daxiong Palace, there are stone inscriptions inscribed with the Song Dynasty seal of Dayun Temple, with the words "April 6th, the first year of Zhiping".

The architectural structure of Dayun Temple in Wuxiang County is neat and well-preserved. Although it has been overhauled many times in the past dynasties, the individual buildings still maintain their original architectural features and shapes.

Photo by Gao Ruifeng

  "In the east side hall, there are 5 stone steles. The stone steles in the Jintaihe period and the Ming Chenghua period are made of bluestone, and the inscriptions are clearly visible; the remaining 3 stone steles are made of sand and stone, and the body of the stele is seriously weathered. The Jintaihe eight-year stone stele is the oldest. "Ji Jianjun introduced.

  The Daxiong Hall is five rooms wide, eight rafters deep, with a single eaves hanging from the top of the mountain. The beams are simple and the materials are huge. The front and rear grooves are longitudinally covered with large foreheads. ; The internal beam structure is four rafters with three columns for the rear breast, and the front and rear grooves are longitudinally applied with large foreheads and reduced columns.

The existing main buildings of Dayun Temple in Wuxiang County are Guanyin Hall, Daxiong Hall, East-West Side Hall and Corner Hall.

Photo by Gao Ruifeng

  Its architectural structure is neat and well-preserved. Although it has been overhauled many times in the past dynasties, the individual buildings still maintain the original architectural features and shapes. The large wooden frame preserves the construction characteristics of the Song Dynasty and Jinxiu. .

  "The east and west walls and back walls of the main hall (Daxiong Hall) are painted with murals. In recent years, the cultural relics department has carried out protective restoration of the murals." Ji Jianjun said.

It is understood that there are more than 200 square meters of murals preserved in Dayun Temple. The murals of the temple adopt the technology of uncovering and repairing. At present, the restored murals reproduce the entire process of Sakyamuni Buddha becoming a Buddha.

  Dayun Temple is located in the central area of ​​the old city. After years of changes, it has always been an important activity place for the surrounding villages and neighbors. The traditional temple fair held every year is a major event in the local area. It used to be an empty door, but today it looks like a small city." Chang Yiming said, "At temple fairs and assemblies, people from ten miles and eight townships came to attend the meeting, and it was even more lively in the early years." (End)