May 21st is World Spine Health Day.

Many people have heard the old saying: A hard bed is better for the spine than a soft bed!

So, how hard is this hardness?

Is a softer bed really bad for your health?

Are there really many harms in sleeping on a soft bed?

The reporter consulted the experts of Nanjing Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Hospital.

Sleeping on a soft bed is bad for your spine

  An online article mentioned that Chinese people like to sleep on hard beds, while foreigners believe that the softer the bed, the better.

Which is more correct?

Wang Rui, chief physician of the Department of Orthopedics in the hospital, said that there are four physiological curvatures of the human spine: cervical, thoracic, lumbar, and sacral. Curved backwards.

  When a person stands, thoracic kyphosis and lumbar lordosis increase among the four physiological curvatures of the human spine.

Rest on a firm bed to allow the bend to recover.

On the other hand, when sleeping on a soft bed, the curvature recovery is very small, and the angle is less improved than standing.

Over time, the degeneration of the spine will accelerate, and even the stability of the spine will be unbalanced.

In addition, because the soft bed is more comfortable, the number of turnings is reduced, and the lumbar muscles maintain a posture for a long time, which is not conducive to health, and the longer the fixation time, the greater the damage to the lumbar spine.

  For patients with early lumbar disc herniation, sleeping on a hard bed is one of the conservative treatments.

To sleep on a hard bed correctly, it should be a hard bed board + soft cushion

  "Sleeping in a hard bed is not the same as sleeping in a very hard bed!" Wang Rui reminded that some people interpret "sleeping in a hard bed" as sleeping on a hard bed without a mattress, which is a misunderstanding.

  Wang Rui explained that the normal physiological structure of the human spine is an S-shaped physiological curve when viewed from the side. If you sleep on a too hard plank, it cannot match the normal curve of the human spine, and the waist will not be supported. Over time, it will easily cause strain and aggravate backache. Back pain and other symptoms.

"Especially some thin elderly people feel very uncomfortable when the bony prominence is squeezed by the bed board when lying in bed, and sometimes it is really difficult to adapt."

  Therefore, sleeping on a hard board bed does not mean directly sleeping on a hard board, but a 3-5 cm cushion should be placed on the bed board, that is, a bed with a soft top and a hard board below, so as to conform to the normal curve of the human spine.

Does a soft sofa really help bones and muscles relax?

  "Lazy sofa" is one of the popular furniture nowadays. This kind of sofa is characterized by softness and shortness. It can almost sink in when sitting on the sofa. It can sit, lie down and sleep. It is especially popular with young people.

  In Wang Rui's opinion, such a sofa is very comfortable to sit on, but sitting on a thick and soft sofa is like sitting on a pile of loose sand. In fact, no part of the muscles in the body is completely relaxed.

Instead, the entire muscle tissue is subject to abnormal tension and compression.

In addition, many people like to half lie on the sofa watching TV and playing mobile phones.

In the semi-recumbent position, the lumbar spine lacks sufficient support, the original curvature is forced to change, and the intervertebral disc is subject to increased gravity, which is not conducive to maintaining the physiological structure of the lumbar spine and spine. Over time, it may lead to muscle strain, scoliosis, and even induce low back pain and cervical spondylosis. and lumbar disc herniation.

  Therefore, Wang Rui suggested that it is best to choose a sofa with a hard texture at home, so that you will not sink in all of a sudden; if it is a soft sofa, you can add a slightly harder cushion.

When resting, it is best to add a pillow behind the waist to support the lower back and relax the lumbar spine.

Protect your spine, move around more, don't bend over and bear weight

  Sedentary is the biggest risk factor. Wang Rui told reporters that no matter whether the sofa is suitable or not, sedentary posture will put too much pressure on the lumbar intervertebral disc, which can lead to degeneration and herniation of the intervertebral disc.

"So, whether you are working or resting, you must walk around and move your trunk from time to time, and don't stay in one position." Experts suggest that office workers may wish to set an alarm clock for themselves and get up and move every (60-90) minutes. one time.

If there is persistent discomfort in the spine, waist, etc., it is recommended to visit the orthopedic department of the hospital in time to identify the cause and treat it in time.

  Correspondent Yang Pu

  Yangzi Evening News/Ziniu News trainee reporter Lv Yanlin