Resolutely do not go if the introversion is serious, choose carefully if there are many legal disputes, and try to detour if the boss has a "PUA" tendency

  When young people start to "reverse tune" to employers...

  Experts believe that this move makes job-post matching more accurate, helps job seekers’ career development, and is a new trend in reshaping the workplace ecology.

  Our reporter Chen Xi

  Fresh graduate Qiao Lin has just interviewed a large factory. With the "intelligence" collected in advance, he can handle the whole process with ease.

However, he was not impressed by the interviewer of the intended department. After various investigations, he found the other party's name on a "blacklist of leaders in the Internet industry": this person often suppresses his subordinates, the team atmosphere is depressed, and the newcomer is responsible for "backwards". pot".

Qiao Lin decisively gave up the offer.

  Qiao Lin's experience of avoiding pits is not uncommon.

At present, a large number of post-00s with a strong sense of subjectivity enter the workplace. They are not willing to passively accept the company's selection and background investigation, but take the initiative to use the powerful information network to carry out "reverse backtracking" to employers.

The reporter found that compared with the "halo" of big factories, young job-seekers are more concerned about "the occasion" and "being respected", and pay more attention to soft indicators such as leadership style and corporate culture... In turn, this new trend is also reshaping the workplace ecology.

  Why is "reverse back tone" favored by young people?

How do they check employer details?

How are businesses responding?

The reporter conducted an interview and investigation.

  Multi-dimensional "portrait" for prospective employers

  After targeting the job search in the Internet industry, Qiao Lin gave all his spare time to workplace social software.

"Official information is too broad, and fresh daily work details are meaningful for reference." Through the sharing of on-the-job and former employees, he learned which companies have good treatment during the probationary period, which companies have a clear promotion mechanism, and even inquired about some corporate structure adjustments. 's inside story.

  Various social platforms are his "back tone" artifacts.

Last year, a shared document called "Company Work and Rest Schedule" was widely circulated. From it, Qiao Lin learned about the work and rest arrangements for different positions in more than a thousand popular companies, and refined them to lunch time, whether there is a weekly report, etc. He used this to filter out Two big factory teams with serious overtime work were added, and several new data were added.

"In the past, these could only be described by human resources staff, but now everyone helps each other, allowing information to flow, effectively reducing the cost of trial and error."

  Hu Kang, a law graduate, sees internship as the most intuitive "reverse tone".

"Corporate culture permeates every little thing, and you can only know if it fits after you have experienced it." Hu Kang also brought a group of partners with similar experience and a flexible and reliable news network after several internships.

Whenever the "back tone" encounters a bottleneck, he can always find the answer in the practice group.

"I once wanted to enter a favorite law firm through a summer internship. A sister who has already joined the company revealed that recently, many projects have recruited a lot of people, but there are very few reserved places. I stopped in time to avoid wasting time."

  For Chu Yue, who studied finance in an ordinary university, business information service platforms such as Tianyancha are the main fronts for "backtracking", "Only large companies have been publicly discussed, and it is difficult for me to enter with my academic background, and it is difficult to touch We can only rely on ourselves to clear the situation of small businesses.”

  On the one hand, she will analyze the registration information, equity structure, investment and financing situation and other information one by one, so as to infer the company's scale and development prospects; on the other hand, legal disputes and administrative penalties are also her focus.

"Just like we won't put black history on resumes, and employers won't expose their shortcomings in publicity, the 'reverse back tone' is to avoid potential risks."

  From "being picked" to going both ways

  According to data from the Ministry of Education, the number of college graduates in 2022 will break the 10 million mark for the first time.

Under the increasingly fierce competition for employment, why is the "reverse tone" becoming more and more popular, and even become the standard job search for the post-00s?

  "The standard of 'good job' in the minds of the post-00s is changing." Wang Ting, director of the Human Resource Development and Management Research Center of the Business School of China University of Political Science and Law, analyzed that, as Internet aborigines, the new generation of job seekers have distinct ideological characteristics and advocate relaxation and freedom environment and pursue more creative positions, and these "non-traditional factors" can only be confirmed by "back tone".

"With the blessing of big data, this goal can be achieved with powerful information retrieval capabilities."

  Although he had heard of "reverse tone" for a long time, Qiao Lin had always been puzzled.

In his view, job hunting is a "two-way journey", and background checks do not need to distinguish between "forward" and "reverse".

  In addition to screening companies, the sufficient "back tone" also allowed Chu Yue to turn passive into active in the interview.

When interviewed by the president of a private company, she focused on a new business that the company had just developed, and threw a question from a clever angle, which made the other party's eyes shine.

  Hu Kang felt that the process of "reverse backtone" is also a process of self-exploration.

"At first, the career planning was vague. After experiencing major law firms, the legal inspection system, and corporate legal affairs, I gradually became clear that I wanted to be a lawyer. This experience taught me to measure a job based on my own characteristics. , and also let me really get out of the ivory tower and start taking responsibility for myself."

  "The rise of 'reverse tone' is a sign of a more mature job market, which will further improve the efficiency and success rate of two-way selection." Wang Ting said that for companies, job seekers make rational decisions based on "back tone" The selection makes the matching of people and positions more accurate and reduces the cost of recruitment.

In the long run, the "reverse tone" is of great benefit to the career development of young people and the harmony and stability of labor relations.

  Promote the further improvement of the workplace environment

  Paying attention to their own rights and interests, not obsessed with the "halo" of big factories, and taking a clear stand against invalid overtime work... Starting from the "reverse tone", young job seekers are using personalized methods to reshape the workplace according to their expectations.

  According to Hu Kang’s recollection, during his internship, he met a leader who was keen on team building, but the so-called team building actually dragged everyone to the hotel to work overtime in disguise.

In the last team building before the end of the internship, when the company counted the number of participants, an intern explicitly refused in the group, and others agreed.

Later, when the company recruited in the autumn, more than 20 interns during the same period did not submit their resumes.

  "From the cancellation of size and thoughtfulness to farewell to 996, changes are taking place." Gao Tongtong, a human resources staff member of an Internet company, told reporters that in response to job seekers' "reverse tone" needs, many companies are also taking the initiative to break barriers and make information more open. Transparent.

For example, through the "Enterprise Open Day", fresh graduates are invited to experience the company's atmosphere in advance; at the presentation meeting, employees who have just joined the company are invited to share their work status, and a school recruiting WeChat group will be set up, and the personnel specialist will explain their doubts.

  "'Reverse tone' is very necessary, but job seekers should also be cautious." Wang Ting reminded that on social media, some anonymous information is difficult to distinguish between true and false, and many opinions are strongly subjective, or even pure emotional catharsis , such as negative complaints from departing employees.

Job seekers need to improve their screening ability and expand their sources of information, and they cannot accept all of them.

  Wang Ting suggested that in the process of "backtracking", we should not be led by the nose with massive information, and we must grasp the key.

"First of all, we should pay attention to the brand of the employer and the values ​​behind it, such as whether it values ​​talents and whether it has social responsibility. On the basis of consistent values ​​and reliable information, make inferences about future development expectations and career paths. , rather than simply measuring a position by salary level and work intensity.”

  (Some respondents use pseudonyms)