[Explanation] The first large-scale offline job fair in Nanchang after the current round of the epidemic in 2022 will be held at Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics.

A total of 192 units participated online and offline, providing 4,144 positions, and 9 units were broadcasting live broadcasts for job promotions.

  On the same day, Jiangxi Province's 2022 Public Employment Service Entering Campus Activity Digital Economy Special Session and the "Jiangxi Province Come in Place" Hundred Counties Linked Live Broadcasting and Post-themed event was launched.

  The scene was very popular. According to the needs of prevention and control, the scene was limited and entered in batches.

There is a distance of about one meter between the recruiter's seat and the candidates, but it does not affect the enthusiasm of the students for job hunting.

  [Concurrent] Yang Yicheng, a senior student at Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics

  It is mainly a job fair that has been held since March this year, because in the previous March, basically all offline activities were suspended. This is also the first since the epidemic. The other one was mainly online. I have a total of I have invested in 5 companies, and the chat is still very harmonious.

  [Concurrent] Qi Junying, the on-site person in charge of the recruitment unit

  The overall is very good, the order of the organizers is also very good, and the interest of the corresponding students about our group is also relatively high, so today's harvest is pretty good, there are quite a lot of resumes here, there should be more than 30 people now. Interested students fill in their resumes and send them to us.

Online registration has also been submitted in other colleges, but the effect is not very obvious. It is still more direct offline. I feel that students want to see and feel it, and his feeling is more real, then we, as the enterprise side The same is true, I still like this kind of offline communication.

  According to Guo Jinliang, director of the Jiangxi Provincial Employment and Entrepreneurship Service Center, this year, the total number of college graduates in Jiangxi Province exceeded 400,000 for the first time, and both the total number and increment have reached a record high. Form a combination of punches to promote early employment and better employment of graduates.

  [Same period] Guo Jinliang, director of Jiangxi Employment and Entrepreneurship Service Center

  Affected by the epidemic, the number of positions is shrinking again. At the same time, offline recruitment is facing some difficulties. We expand online service methods. At the same time, after the epidemic has become normalized, online and offline are linked.

Offline is mainly small batches and multiple frequencies, and it is to increase the professional matching degree between industrial enterprises and schools. Although the scale of each recruitment may be relatively small, the docking is more accurate, so the effect will be greatly improved.

  Reporter Jiang Tao reported from Nanchang, Jiangxi

Responsible editor: [Ye Pan]