How many troubles would the PP have saved if the image it offered yesterday - a regional president acceding to the presidency of the party that logically belongs to her - had been assumed naturally on time.

The PP congress in Madrid that certifies the delivery of organic power to Díaz Ayuso a year after his overwhelming electoral victory closes a serious anomaly that was about to take

the great center-right party

ahead .

Just a combination of pathol jealousy

Logic, political blindness and obsession with control explains the chain of catastrophic decisions with which the previous Genoa leadership tied a noose around its neck, including espionage on its greatest political asset with the intention of destroying his career.

There is no harm that does not come for good, those who contemplate with satisfaction the trend that the polls mark since Alberto Núñez Feijóo relieved Pablo Casado at the head of the popular ones will think of the PP today.

The truth is that the leadership of the Galician inaugurates a new style of internal government,

respectful of territorial cadres

as a translation of an intelligent formula of unity in diversity with which Feijóo hopes to prevail in the electoral cycle that Andalusia opens.

The photo of Ayuso sheltered by the rest of the barons and by the party president himself projects harmony where there was verticality, imposition and distrust.

The message is clear: the PP wants to return to La Moncloa promising the Spanish

the liberal prescriptions already endorsed by the voters in the territories where he governs.

There is one year left for the people of Madrid to be summoned to the polls again, along with the rest of Spaniards called to vote in the municipal and regional elections of May 2023. The dramatic disagreements that until now have prevented the celebration of the PP congress in Madrid have delayed the fine-tuning of the organic machinery.

Ayuso must now hurry to finish the work of preparing the lists and get the appointments right if he wants to reach the elections with a well-tuned strategy.

His challenge is to conquer this time the absolute majority

, which was so close, but it will not be easy.

His plan is to undertake a profound renovation to guarantee the continuity of the project, without giving up sewing up what could have cracked, starting with the


constituency that forms with Almeida, who yesterday closed ranks with the president.

Past mistakes should not tarnish a

virtuous synergy between Community and City Council

from which a majority of Madrid residents benefit.

As for Ayuso, the biggest challenge he faces now is meeting his own expectations generated by his political image, bordering on the social phenomenon.

She better than anyone must be aware of the dangers of complacency and the ephemerality of fashions.

Ayuso has an exciting project for Madrid

and he must have the best team to take him to the end.

It is the service to citizens that legitimizes leadership and makes it durable.

With its electoral pull certified, the PP in Madrid now faces the challenge of living up to its own modernization project, a true locomotive of Spanish prosperity.

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