5 minutes

Condolences in advance and congratulations in return


Ahmed bin Abdulaziz Al-Haddad

May 20 2022

The life of creation is a circuit between existence and non-existence, revival and death, as our Lord Almighty said: The glory of his name: {He created death and life, that He might test you which of you is best in deed, and He is the Mighty, the Forgiving}.

And here we bid farewell to the leader of goodness and loyalty, Sheikh Khalifa, who expanded his people and others with grace and giving. Hearts grieved, eyes shed tears, and the country felt sorrow for his separation, and our solace was what he presented in his hands to meet his Lord, glory be to Him, from a righteous deed that was burdened with carrying newspapers, and it is a work that God Almighty does not waste for him. Thus, people differ in their homes with their Lord, for some of them are wretched and happy (and as for those who are happy, they will be in Paradise, where they will abide for as long as the heavens and the earth last as long as the heavens and the earth last). We bear witness to what we have seen and heard that he was benevolent, beneficial, tolerant, wise, wise, generous, loyal, truthful, and loving people.

You have the best morals.”

If his many virtues are listed, it is for her that he made his brother and supportive His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed his crown prince.

To help him bear the burdens of leadership and to continue the path that their late father, Zayed, may God have mercy on him, had planned. It expands the outputs, and it was the order of the late, may God have mercy on him, and the one who is in charge of his order after him, as al-Samwal previously said:

If a master among us is alone, a master stands up... Saying what the honorable said, then count

Here he is today leading the nation with all merit, skill, politics and tact, and as Jarir said addressing the Rightly-Guided Caliph Omar bin Abdulaziz, may God have mercy on him:

He attained the caliphate as it was a measure for him... as his Lord came to Moses with a measure

Yes, he attained the general caliphate, with a general pledge of allegiance, great love, and sincere supplications.

May God Almighty help him, strengthen him, strengthen his back with his brothers and his lovers, and make him the best successor to the best predecessor.

His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed the Knight Commander who graduated from the Zayed School, as he was his strong hand, and his trust in every task, he obtained the superior training, and skill, in the politics of the world and religion, so we see the vision of his father, may God have mercy on him, in the development, construction, tolerance, brotherhood and standing in the face of enemies, and love for all of humanity;

We see these matters and many others that were entrusted by Zayed Al Khair to his brothers the rulers and his wise sons, but they are developing at the hands of this feat of leader with the requirements of the times in terms of development and keeping pace with time and place, until the United Arab Emirates became a leading country in every field of human, industrial and technical life. As well as political and military, in record time compared to the times of countries and peoples.

Here he is today leading his nation with his deputy and strong support from His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid for the next fifty years, a leadership commensurate with the challenges of the era and its development, and perhaps it will be different from what we are accustomed to in everything, except in the constants of religion and the mothers of virtues that do not change with the change of time and place, and such a stage The future and the complex require such a leader, who was chosen by God Almighty for his time and place, to sail the ship of the homeland, God Almighty, to further progress and advancement, so that the wise leadership may realize its hopes for its people and humanity.

It is not wrong for His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed to be the leader of the march at this level, as this is not strange to him, as he has made all the roads that lead to the desired goal with merit and skill, in every field that the people, rather humanity, aspire to, and for its sake human brotherhood and religious tolerance, and industrial progress, security stability, and protective power, as well as the prosperity with which it expanded its people.

We ask God Almighty to help him, grant him success and support, and for the late have extensive mercy.

«The Chief Mufti, Director of the Ifta Department in Dubai»

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