[Explanation] From being obsessed with mysterious ancient books in archaeological novels to becoming an ancient book restorer, Ding Feng, a young man born in 1990, went through ten years of "cultivation" in Nanjing Library, and finally became a daily "do for national treasures" MicroPort's ancient book "Doctor".

  [Explanation] In 2013, after four years of professional study in college, Ding Feng entered the Nanjing Library, which made him both excited and nervous.

  [Concurrent] Ding Feng, restorer of ancient books in Nanjing Library

  My name is Ding Feng. I am an ancient book restorer in Nanjing Library. I joined the library in 2013. I studied classical literature and ancient book restoration in college. I chose this major to compare archaeology. Interested, I feel very new, and I can really get in touch with these ancient books. When I repaired it myself, I was a little nervous and a little apprehensive.

  [Commentary] Ding Feng recalled that when he first started, the master of ancient book restoration asked to learn wet repairing techniques first. After being sprayed with water, the pages of ancient books may be punctured with a little force in the hand. Repairing a page is like a micro invasive surgery.

  [Concurrent] Ding Feng, restorer of ancient books in Nanjing Library

  When repairing ancient books, one must have a stable state of mind, and not bring one's anxiety or other things into the ancient books.

Our restoration is not only to repair the book, but also to preserve and continue the traditional skills.

  [Explanation] Facing the mountains of ancient books waiting to be reproduced in the world, Ding Feng felt that he had a heavy responsibility on his shoulders.

  [Concurrent] Ding Feng, restorer of ancient books in Nanjing Library

  At the beginning, I really felt that restoring ancient books was a bit boring and boring, but after doing it, my mentality was honed, and I felt that it would be good to do this thing quietly, to keep this ancient book well, and to continue it.

  [Explanation] In 2019, Ding Feng had the opportunity to independently restore a nearly 700-year-old national treasure-level ancient book "Yonglei Zhuangfang".

  [Concurrent] Ding Feng, restorer of ancient books in Nanjing Library

  In recent years, I have compiled a national precious ancient book called "Yongleiqianfang", which is also a precious ancient book in our library. This book is a medical book of the Yuan Dynasty. The most difficult part is the lack of words and columns on the pages. Fully restored.

  [Explanation] This set of comprehensive medical books of the Yuan Dynasty has been selected into the National Precious Ancient Books List of China. The two volumes in the Nanjing Library are derived from the earliest extant Yuan Dynasty engraved editions, which are rarely handed down.

  [Concurrent] Ding Feng, restorer of ancient books in Nanjing Library

  I used normal splicing paper at the time, which may be a little unclear. I found a transparent patch board and lit the back of the (book page), and carefully spliced ​​all the words back to it. Now the whole binding is left, and the To fix the cover.

Originally, this book is very rare, and I feel it is very precious, so I must keep it intact.

  [Explanation] At the scene, Ding Feng also showed reporters the repair marks on the pages that were like slight water stains, but were actually hundreds of years old.

Nowadays, in the ancient book restoration center of Nanjing Library, the main force of book repairing is basically young people in their 30s like Ding Feng.

  [Concurrent] Chen Li, Director of the Historical Documents Department of Nanjing Library

  (At present) our personnel are mainly young people. After more than ten years of hard work, our greatest joy is that our talent team is gradually stabilized and built.

  [Explanation] Chen Li introduced that from the selection of Nanjing Library as a national ancient book restoration base and a national key ancient book protection unit in 2007, to the listing of the National Ancient Book Restoration Center in 2018, the Nanjing Library has invited the country for more than ten years. Experts from the Ancient Books Restoration Center came to the institute to teach their skills; on the other hand, Nanjing Library also cooperated with schools that offer this major, and both trained and retained a group of young talents for the restoration of ancient books in the entire region.

  [Concurrent] Chen Li, Director of the Historical Documents Department of Nanjing Library

  Restoration of ancient books requires an inheritance, and it can only be taught in the form of teachers and apprentices. It is also a very good idea of ​​inheriting traditional Chinese culture, which has greatly developed our entire team structure.

  [Explanation] Jiangsu once had a world-famous library - "Guoyun Tower", which means that the circulation of ancient books in the collection is like passing clouds. Chen Li believes that every person who has passed it has left his own on these ancient treasures. brand.

The restoration of ancient books is not only a technique, but also an art of communicating with history attentively. Only when more young people are infected and join in, can this "Shadow of the World" be passed on.

  Reporter Shen Ran Ge Yong reports from Nanjing, Jiangsu

Responsible editor: [Wang Kai]