[SBS Entertainment News |

[Editor Jeon Min-jae] The past when comedian Hyung-don Jeong performed on the main stage at a music festival, beating out British singer-songwriter Dua Lipa, was mentioned.

Yesterday (17th), a video titled 'Why is (Hyungdon) hyung here?' was released on YouTube's '354 Samossa' channel.

Hyungdon Jeong appeared as a guest on the channel operated by Lucky, Daniel Lindemann, and Alberto Mondi, foreign broadcasters living in Korea and talked about various topics.

On this day, Lucky from India suddenly said that Jung Hyung-don was great and mentioned Jung Hyung-don, who had been on the stage at the 'Incheon Pentaport Rock Festival' in the past.

Lucky said, "(Before) Dua Lipa and Hyungdon-hyung had a concert in the same space at the Incheon Festival," and opened his mouth with a story that even Jung Hyung-don, the party involved, can't remember.

Then, Lucky described the situation in which the audience was enthusiastic, saying, "There are a total of 5 stages, and 'Hyungdon and Daejun' appeared on the main stage."

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At the time, Lucky recalled that Dua Lipa was 'before the show' and "About 50 people (gathering) were listening to the song in front of Dua Lipa at that time, and most of the audience (Jung Hyungdon's stage) was in front of here."

Alberto from Italy responded, "Of course. In Korea, (Hyungdon) is my older brother."

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Jung Hyung-don, who is very interested in foreign cultures, said he had suffered a total of three terrorist attacks in the past 7 nights and 9 days Germany trip, but he wants to travel around the world and experience 'different'.

He also revealed that his dream is to rent a small bus and travel around the world with his family.

Jung Hyung-don took a long break from broadcasting in 2015 and 2020 after complaining of his anxiety and panic disorder.

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Jung Hyeong-don, who usually enjoys the '354 Three Five' channel, showed a warm image of cheering for Lucky, Daniel and Alberto, saying that he had never acted as courageous as the big decision to change the country of residence.

(Picture = YouTube '354 Samossa', Dua Lipa's Instagram)

(SBS Substar) 

(SBS Entertainment News editor Jeon Min-jae)