Life lies in sports, and sports pay attention to science.

The right way of exercising is not only good for physical and mental health, but also can reduce fat and shape, while the wrong way of exercising is often harmful to health.

Have you caught the following sports mistakes?

  Misunderstanding 1: Overload strenuous exercise.

Sudden heavy exercise, once the self-load is exceeded, will easily lead to overdraft of the body. In severe cases, it may cause muscle, ligament and joint injury. Everyone should choose the appropriate weight according to their own exercise status.

  Misunderstanding 2: Blind diet and exercise to lose weight.

Many female friends in life are trying extreme weight loss, refusing carbohydrates, and exercising frantically. This improper weight loss method will cause the body's basal metabolism to slow down, which will not only fail to achieve the goal of weight loss, but will increase weight.

  Myth #3: Excessive exercise.

For ordinary fitness enthusiasts, exercise is not the longer the better.

Because long-term exercise will lead to increased cardiopulmonary load, ranging from coughing, chest tightness, shortness of breath, and severe breathing difficulties, you need to stop the current exercise immediately.

(Video source: Huizhou City Health Bureau, Guangdong Province)

Responsible editor: [Luo Pan]