[Explanation] At 7 am on May 17, at the Beiyuan Road North Station of the Beijing Subway, two staff members were set up at the left and right of the security checkpoint to check the health codes of passengers.

Although it was during the morning rush hour, the addition of a program to check the health code did not cause congestion, and the whole process only took a few seconds.

  [Concurrent] Beijing people

  It's quite fast, it just came in in a few seconds, I think this is a guarantee for everyone (health).

  In the current epidemic situation, safety is the main priority, and no time is wasted. I think "(Health Treasure) inquires by myself" is quite simple.

  [Explanation] It is understood that since the first train on May 17, 2022, 190 key ground bus stations and 54 subway stations in the Beijing Epidemic Prevention and Control Area and around the control area will be checked for passenger health codes and health codes. If the green code is displayed and there is no abnormality, you can enter the station and take the bus.

  [Concurrent] Liu Jia, deputy head of the Lishuiqiao Station District of Beijing Metro Line 5

  The subway will set up signs at 54 stations to remind passengers to show their health codes in advance. Passengers are requested to consciously abide by the city's epidemic prevention and control regulations.

Another reminder is a key reminder. The first is that the elderly and children cannot show their mobile phone health codes, and will not be checked for the time being.

Second, the staff reminds and persuades passengers with abnormal health code information to leave.

  [Explanation] At the bus stop "Metro Beiyuan Road North Station", the reporter saw that the bus driver would pull the car to the side and stop it, and then cooperated with the flight attendants and platform civilized guides to check the passenger health code.

  [Concurrent] Meng Tao, Deputy Manager of Safety Services of Beijing Public Transport Group Keyi Branch

  We require our drivers to stop at the station smoothly during the inspection period, take off the neutral gear, and pull the handbrake. Inspections, including our drivers, should also cooperate with the inspection.

  [Explanation] In addition, in order to better serve the travel of passengers, the subway and ground bus ticketing systems are being upgraded as soon as possible, which is expected to be completed by the end of the month.

After the renovation, passengers swipe their cards or scan codes to get on the bus and the health code information will be automatically verified, making travel safer, more convenient and faster.

  Dong Zeyu reports from Beijing

Responsible editor: [Luo Pan]