"From self-centered to others-centered, I will feel very happy when it provides convenience for others." Chen Liuxiao, a post-95 girl who came into contact with coffee, found that the life of the visually impaired group also has many possibilities.

At the age of 6, Chen Liuxiao was found to have macular degeneration in the fundus, and his vision began to decline from 1.0, and finally only weak vision remained.

When she grew up, Chen Liuxiao tried many professions, working as a stenographer and librarian. Because of a tweet titled "Will you be the next cool blind person who understands coffee", she started to learn to make coffee.

On August 12, 2018, she got the SCA certificate (Global Specialty Coffee Association Basic Knowledge Certification) and became a real barista.

  Over the years, Chen Liuxiao and the coffee shop have received a lot of help from the society. As the store manager, she also hopes to give back to the society, encourage the baristas in the store to learn psychological knowledge, and help customers come here to let go of their daily stress and anxiety.

Chen Liuxiao believes that whether it is a visually impaired group or an ordinary person in the society, don't be limited by your own imagination, and you will find many possibilities when you step out of your comfort zone.

  (Reporter He Junjie Guangzhou reports)

Responsible editor: [Li Ji]