• LOSE WEIGHT Donkey diet and sauna suit, this is how Kim Kardashian lost 7 kilos in 21 days

The temptation is very strong.


Kim Kardashian was able to lose seven kilos in three weeks to

(almost) fit - her butt did not fit - into the iconic dress in which Marilyn Monroe sang that torrid 'Happy birthday' to JFK, why don't we try to take off ' what we have left over' to show off that model that we bought for the wedding or communion on duty following 'your method'?

Well, because it's not good.

"Each person is a world and we cannot put everyone in the same bag. But, as a general rule,

it is not reasonable.

Just as the body takes its time to gain weight, it needs its time to lose weight and avoid "rebound" effects , says Marina Domene, nutritionist at SHA Wellness Clinic.

To which Paco Payan, trainer at SHA, adds that "the only thing that can be achieved with such rapid weight loss is stretch marks."

Also that we become

cannon fodder of the feared rebound effect

: "Maintaining this type of

diet that is so restrictive and training that is so demanding

is not sustainable over time. Therefore, as soon as you return to normal eating or to the usual way of exercising, We'll get fat again."

In his opinion, in three weeks, we could achieve "

a healthy weight loss of about three kilos

, at most."

So, being sensible, what do we have to do to lose a couple of kilos?

Domene explains it to us: "In the first place, we should

do it for our health

and not for fashion or because we are going to attend an event."

Therefore, the main objective would be "

to adopt a healthy lifestyle

, which implies having a varied, healthy diet; and, of course, not eliminating healthy foods such as whole grains, legumes, vegetables, fruits, nuts , etc.".

Both rest and physical activity are fundamental: "You don't have to "wrap up" in those famous

sauna suits

that all they do is


us . Sweat is a self-regulating mechanism of the body to maintain a correct basal temperature, but

sweating does not help to lose fat


It also reminds us that "

if we only do cardiovascular exercise we can compromise the quality and quantity of our muscle mass

and this has a

negative impact on our basal metabolism,

greater risk of suffering from an infection due to a weakened immune system, greater risk of injury or fracture etc".


And what do we do if we have 'hooked' on the sport?

What are the simplest physical activities that can help us lose weight?

Elisa Riveres, personal trainer (Collegiate number 63,829 of COPLEF Madrid), gives us some clues: "The ones that are going to help us the most when it comes to losing weight in a reasonable way are those that, from the beginning,

allow us to adhere to training


Generally, he says, "these routines are designed with

simple exercises

where we work the whole body in different sessions a week."

In addition, he continues, "it is important

to involve large muscle groups in each training

session and

avoid very long sessions

, thus improving both their quality and intensity. In this way we can increase the days of training and

generate greater motivation and desire

for the next session, avoiding overloads".

Once the habit has been acquired, it is "much easier to add more complex exercises and increase load, volume and intensity within

each plan to achieve more specific goals


Why is it so important to combine cardio and strength?

"Many studies support

the need and benefits of combining cardiovascular work and strength training

compared to other strategies, dosed according to the personal context and, even, the different types of population and pathologies. Thanks to this, it has been observed as

it improves body composition

, improving muscle mass, strength and, of course, functionality. In addition,

it decreases abdominal adiposity

and increases cardiorespiratory fitness."

But, to do your homework well, Riveres clarifies that, although diet is more important, if possible, than physical exercise, both are needed.

"I like to emphasize that with

only diet we will not be able to do it in an optimal and healthy way

. It is necessary to add daily and planned physical exercise to achieve desirable health values".

Also that the goal should not only be to achieve a beauty canon, but to ensure our health.

"It is very important to look not only at the nutrients (not calories!) that we eat, but also to include physical exercise in the appropriate doses, but not with the sole purpose of achieving a physical image, but with the clear intention of

maintaining and developing an efficient, functional and healthy musculoskeletal system and cardiovascular system

Over the years, the lack of muscle due to thinness can be as dangerous as obesity, or even more dangerous.That said, it may be that with the diet we reach that weight we are looking for sooner , but with exercise we will add the ingredient we need to optimize the process."

Regarding the drinks and foods that should disappear from our diet, he reminds us that "

the best drink is

, without a doubt,


and even more so if we are looking to lose weight, since

soft drinks and alcohol have a large amount of sugar and They provide empty calories


And, in terms of food, it is already known that "ultra-processed foods are the greatest enemies, but we cannot ignore other foods that are considered healthy, but may cease to be so when intake is greater than daily energy expenditure," he concludes. the.

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