A group of fitness IP characters quickly iterates

"cloud fitness" and appears "person-to-person". Have you danced "Compendium of Materia Medica" with Liu Genghong?

  This year's "May Day" small holiday, the "view" in the circle of friends is very different from previous years: some people go outdoors and enjoy the comfort brought by camping; a large number of people continue to stay at home and follow Liu Genghong in the live broadcast room Jumped up "Compendium of Materia Medica".

Beginning in early April, fitness live broadcasts and shuttlecock dancing seem to have become topics that people cannot avoid. Many "Liu Genghong Boys" and "Liu Genghong Girls" "check in" on the cloud on time.

  In recent years, due to the repeated impact of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, fitness, as a part of the consumer market, has been constantly changing, and the home scene has been fully developed.

From the launch of black technology products such as fitness rings and fitness mirrors, fitness platforms have laid out online courses one after another, to the rapid iteration of fitness IP figures such as Saturday Ye, Pamela, Liu Genghong, etc., the national "cloud fitness" trend has been set off.

  However, as the topic of "Liu Genghong boys and girls jumping into the hospital" continues to rush to the hot search, many industry insiders reminded that fitness must pay attention to the training intensity, do what you can, and don't blindly follow.

"Cloud fitness" appears "person-to-person", the most important thing to choose is the most suitable

  "Have you danced 'Compendium of Materia Medica'?" Lin Lin, a post-90s girl in Chengdu, found that the greetings of her friends have changed recently.

She told a reporter from China Youth Daily and China Youth Daily, "It seems like overnight, Liu Genghong has become everyone's fitness coach. Sometimes, when he sees a friend 'trembling' coming from a distance, he knows that she did a gymnastics yesterday. ".

  From Lin Lin's point of view, the "person-to-person" follow-up practice, dubbed by netizens, has become a "new way of socializing" for young people.

As a fitness enthusiast, Lin Lin will follow Liu Genghong's live broadcast to exercise whenever she has time.

  "Before Liu Genghong became popular, many internet celebrity fitness bloggers have emerged on major platforms, with a variety of courses. You must choose a course you can follow and like, and train regularly. You don't have to be strict with yourself, after all, fitness It's something that can release pressure on oneself," Lin Lin said.

  In fact, long before Liu Genghong, Pamela, a foreign fitness blogger known as "humanoid AI", set off a trend of follow-up training in China.

Sharing and training courses has also allowed many offline fitness coaches and fitness enthusiasts to switch to the Internet and become fitness bloggers with many fans.

Interestingly, during the "May 1st" small holiday this year, in the "National Fitness Program" launched by some platforms, Olympic champions such as Wu Dajing, Ren Ziwei, Su Bingtian, etc., also began to participate in it, taking everyone to exercise together.

  "Cloud fitness" has swept social platforms, and it is obviously a red sea.

  More and more celebrities, athletes and fitness bloggers are teaching for free, which seems to give everyone a reason to "move".

After skipping rope with the Keep course, and going to the offline fighting gym to practice boxing, Yang Xiaoyi, who works in Beijing, happily posted his fitness report card: he lost 30 pounds in 5 months.

She told a reporter from China Youth Daily and China Youth Daily that after resigning from the original company in early March, "cloud fitness" has brought her a lot of happiness.

  Although he didn't follow Liu Genghong's "shuttlecock exercise", Yang Xiaoyi will also look for fitness bloggers who are suitable for him on social platforms.

When she is screening and practicing courses, she will pay special attention to the cases and comments posted by bloggers, "Generally, I will verify whether the course is scientific, and I will also look at the interest chain behind the bloggers. If the bloggers are just to bring goods, exercise is not If it suits you, you will rule it out.”

  A fitness practitioner who did not want to be named reminded: "The chaos that cannot be ignored is that some bloggers tout the effects of some actions too 'myth' in order to pursue traffic and cater to the market. Returning to the original intention, fitness bloggers should recommend It is the field of sports that you are good at, and give professional guidance to those who love you, so that everyone can fall in love with sports, not get injured, and enjoy the joy of sports.”

  "Liu Doudou is not very funny", the sports and fitness UP master at Station B, who has millions of fans, suggests that you should understand your physical condition before exercising and do what you can; Identify and choose a fitness blogger and exercise method that suits you well.

"Cloud fitness" should also have "dry goods", and it can also cultivate users for offline fitness

  Because of the contact with fitness during the rehabilitation period after surgery, exercise has become Liu Doudou's daily habit.

Before becoming a full-time fitness UP master, she worked as a fitness trainer for 7 years.

Liu Dou Dou admitted that she likes the feeling of face-to-face communication with students offline.

  "It wasn't until the beginning of 2021 that I tried to share videos of myself dancing and training on various platforms during my recuperation at home because of my vocal cord injury. I didn't expect to get a lot of attention." After more than two months, Liu Doudou chose " Main Attack" online.

  Without the face-to-face atmosphere of offline fitness, how to attract young people to like the content of online courses is particularly important.

Liu Doudou told a reporter from China Youth Daily and China Youth Daily that she was very opposed to "quick" and body anxiety, and hoped that more emotional value would be conveyed in online courses.

  "For example, making people feel that exercise and fitness can actually be very happy. Exercise can also be integrated into dance and music that everyone likes, and it can also make you more active and energetic in your work and life."

What makes her happy is, "Liu Genghong's fitness live broadcast room is actually providing emotional value to everyone, which deserves more people to see. Fitness is not just for beauty, but also happiness and decompression, especially in the home mode, Perhaps more emotional release is needed.”

  "The follow-up training videos produced in the early days are more like 'translators', helping everyone with password guidance, safety tips, and action explanations. But anyone can do the translation and practice videos, and I still have to do my own original content. ." Liu Doudou admitted that compared to other bloggers, her courses are "more niche" and do not have high-intensity movements. They are all fitness and fat-burning dances that she also likes very much.

However, she will also arrange more interesting courses according to the suggestions of netizens.

  Yan Shuaiqi has been a fitness coach for two years and a course designer on the Keep platform. Now he has become a sports UP master with nearly 2 million fans.

He observed that since the outbreak of the epidemic, when gyms were unable to operate, many fitness coaches turned to online, and some good coaches became full-time bloggers.

  Aiming at the fact that most of the course audiences are male users, he classifies his courses according to fat loss, single body training, posture adjustment, home training, and novice use.

In his opinion, "Doing sports courses is the same as doing a brand. The content must be focused, and it is impossible to target all groups of people. You must understand the needs of the audience you are targeting, and launch responsive content according to the needs. At the same time, Also explain the 'dry stuff' you need and tips for safety training."

  Since the beginning of this year, Liu Doudou has clearly felt that many fitness coaches around her are testing the waters of self-media, and some institutions have invited her to share and train on self-media operations.

In her opinion, the popularity of "cloud fitness" will not only make the content of online courses more rich and high-quality, but also increase the number of people who love fitness, and will also promote the development of the fitness industry.

  "Maybe some people will prefer online courses, but there will also be some people who have developed fitness habits through online courses. After the epidemic, they will turn to offline fitness to bring drainage to offline fitness venues. More importantly One point is that the content of online high-quality courses is increasing, which will also force offline fitness coaches to be more professional." Yan Shuaiqi also believes that the increase in online high-quality courses will promote the better development of the fitness industry. The more people there are, the more people who are willing to go offline to exercise after the epidemic is over.”

  Operating a gym in Beijing makes Wang Liping very interesting, "Although the epidemic situation is repeated, the students in the gym will follow the fitness bloggers to exercise every day, but they are also eager to go to the offline gym for training. Everyone sweats like rain, you The feeling and atmosphere of competing with me cannot be achieved by online live broadcasts." However, she also saw the fierce competition in the fitness market from online to offline, "We will continue to improve courses and services after the epidemic. The fitness industry is developing rapidly together."

  China Youth Daily, China Youth Daily reporter Meng Peipei Source: China Youth Daily