Only an irresponsible government would put the fox in the henhouse, as happened yesterday with the

entry of independentistas and anti-system, obsessed with undermining our rule of law in the commission of official secrets of Congress


And only an irresponsible government would subject to the most absolute discredit a fundamental body for the State such as the CNI to try to cling to power.

What is happening could not be more serious, almost as the culmination of a legislature that is mouth-watering.

agonizing ages.

Sánchez has reached the end of the breakaway.

Because unbearable is the democratic anomaly that supposes that he supported his investiture and gave the key to governability to the ERC of Pere Aragonès... while ordering our intelligence services to spy on him for being a threat to the State and for its links to a violent organization like Tsunami Democràtic.

And it is unbearable that now Sánchez himself is in the hands of those who, with such a history behind him,

they submit him to the blackmail that all Spaniards pay


By the way, now the separatists must also choose between swallowing or carrying their demands for resignations until the very collapse of the legislature, because now they know who gave the opportune instructions to watch them.

The director of the CNI, Paz Esteban, demonstrated to the parties that this organization investigated Aragonès and 17 other secessionist leaders with scrupulous judicial authorization.

We are therefore not dealing with any arbitrary espionage, but

before a follow-up operation with all the guarantees of the law

to monitor those who were involved in a coup.

Paradoxes of the worst politics, they were the same ones who have in their hands the key to Sánchez's access and permanence in Moncloa.

And it should not be overlooked that Esteban has been the victim of a fierce hunt by the radical left and block secessionism, although shamefully protected by the hard core of Sanchismo, with Minister Bolaños at the head, when

he was well aware that the CNI had limited itself to fulfilling its powers


It is now worth questioning the controversial report released by

The New Yorker

and carried out by agents linked to the Catalan Generalitat.

Regarding the supposed espionage of other nationalist leaders -65 in total-, everything is

speculations taken advantage of by the sanchismo partners

to continue tensing the relationship with a weak government from which they are trying to extract new concessions.

It was clear that the pro-independence movement, naturally a blackmailer, was not going to be satisfied with sneaking into the secret commission.

And Moncloa's serious error clearly emerges in the form of a victimizing smoke screen when he spread that the cell phones of Sánchez and Robles were spied on.

The government is imploding.

And the only thing he has achieved is throwing disrepute at a CNI that is now suffering from a

delicate problem of operability in its anti-jihadist missions


It is the fruit of the frivolity of a government willing to sink everything to hasten an extension in power.

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