The revelation of the espionage suffered by the President of the Government and the Minister of Defense is surrounded by shadows.

The information that Spaniards have received so far from the mouth of the Executive itself is clearly insufficient

when it comes to a serious failure of national security.

The questions pile up - who, when, what, how, why tell it and why now - and the answers are scarce, and Minister Bolaños must have foreseen that he would spread this uncertainty when he revealed the


of the

presidential mobile without adding much more data than a mysterious external interference.

In such a context, and given the background of the gross victimization campaign in the last Madrid elections, practically all doubts are justified.

Starting with the "no minor coincidence" denounced by Feijóo, since the Government revealed the espionage to Sánchez and Robles

coinciding with the pro-independence overacting

due to the same events.

No one who is not a naive or a Moncloa propagandist is hidden from the plot twist that this revelation is pursuing by a Government determined to go from being an executioner to being a victim of espionage in the eyes of its separatist partner, which is greatly complicating governability in the last days.

And that he continues to threaten to block the legislature if the head of the Defense Minister, who will appear today in the Defense Commission, does not shoot.

Turning her into another victim of Pegasus, Moncloa intends to shield her and shield himself from her own allies.


the price you pay is the erosion of the image of Spain

, the concern of the ambassadors and the very credibility of the host country of an imminent NATO summit in the midst of the war in Ukraine.

Computer security is a challenge for any government in the world.

Sánchez is not the first president to be spied on, but he is the first to air it for

use that vulnerability politically


A short-term, petty and counterproductive use, because separatism is insatiable and you cannot satisfy those who live by not being content and redouble their blackmails when they verify that they have an effect.

That is why all the radical parties that support Sánchez have demanded an investigation commission -including Podemos, in the umpteenth exercise of cynical unfolding by which he gives himself up to opposition tasks without resigning from the Government-, and

It has had to be the PP that saves Sánchez from himself;

that is, of the partners he chose


Feijóo, without ceasing to pose the pertinent questions, demonstrates the sense of State that sanchismo lacks, since it is easy to imagine that an investigative commission on national security would have degenerated into an anti-system coven and the total questioning of the security services of the Condition.

Sánchez, through Meritxell Batet, brought Bildu, ERC or the CUP into the official secrets commission.

This embarrassing transfer did not satisfy separatism.

Nor is he succeeding in exhibiting the condition of Sánchez and Robles as spies.

What is going to be next?

To what degree of surrender and institutional auction - the prestige of the CNI is being sacrificed to the parliamentary interest of the Government - is Sánchez willing to go in order to last a few more months in La Moncloa?

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