May 4, 2022

Jennifer Connelly loved flying with Tom Cruise in 'Top Gun: Maverick'

Jennifer Connelly had a magical moment on the set of

Top Gun: Maverick

, when she flew off with Tom Cruise.

And all the more so since, in the initial scenario, his character was not supposed to board one of the planes.

“I was not supposed to fly, because my character is not an aviator.

So I had no scene, nothing scripted, on a plane,” she told ET.

Only, it was without counting on Tom Cruise!

"He said 'Hey, have you ever been in a P51?'

I told him no.

And he asked me if I had done aerobatics.

And I said "No, why? Are we going somewhere?".

He said "It's going to be very soft, we're going to do some stunts", and that's how he told me we were going to fly.

It was a magical experience”, she adds, revealing that the comedian is also “a wonderful pilot”.

Amel Bent is eager to find the stage and its audience

Demi Lovato uses female pronouns

Demi Lovato, who had declared to be non-binary and using the pronoun "iel", added in her Instagram biography the feminine "she" recently.


also noted that the singer shared, in Story, her new tattoos: the words “love” and “fear”, or “love” and “fear”, below her collarbones.

“Duality”, is captioned the snapshot.

Demi Lovato had revealed to be non-binary in May 2021.


Demi Lovato got a spider tattoo on the side of her head

Movie theater

“Top Gun 2”: Lady Gaga unveils the official song for this highly anticipated sequel

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  • Amel Bent

  • Demi lovato

  • Tom Cruise