Green tea is the most beneficial beverage for maintaining joints

Green tea is the most beneficial beverage for keeping joints in good condition, according to 

The site indicates that doctors recommend increasing the amount of green tea consumed by a person who suffers from joint problems.

Because this tea has soothing and analgesic properties for joint pain because it contains antioxidants and inflammation.

In addition, this tea is rich in polyphenols.

The site adds, green tea helps reduce inflammation and slow cartilage damage.

It also contains an antioxidant that blocks molecules that cause joint damage in people with rheumatoid arthritis.

The site indicates that to protect the joints, leafy green vegetables - broccoli, spinach and cabbage can also be used.

Because these vegetables are rich in vitamins C, E and K, in addition to calcium, which helps strengthen bones.

Experts recommend steaming vegetables rather than frying or boiling them.