[Commentary] The little green wolf follows the "wolf dad" and "wolf mom" for a comfortable walk, and the little lemur lies on the back of the lemur mom to bask in the sun... The "baby dad" and "baby mom" who bask in the baby can be seen everywhere in the zoo. Become a warm landscape.

Recently, more than ten species of rare wild animals were born together in Chongqing Zoo, including the newborns of 12 rare wild animals such as northern white-cheeked gibbon, black langur, green vervet monkey, ring-tailed lemur, wolf, flamingo, and black swan. There are 54 babies in total.

  [Explanation] On April 27, the reporter saw in the wolf house of the Chongqing Zoo that five little green wolves were able to walk around with their mothers, and they became more and more courageous.

The little green wolves who can fight and make trouble will get into the cave for a while, and hide under the tree for a while.

"Dad Wolf" and "Mother Wolf" are in charge of vigilance and take a circle around the neighborhood from time to time.

  [Concurrent] Teng Mingsheng, Technical Director of Chongqing Zoo

  Wolf babies grow up on wolf mother's milk.

Judging from the current situation, they are all very strong. This is a feeding method without manual intervention.

  [Explanation] In the monkey family, black langurs also set a record for calving at an advanced age.

As a national first-class protected animal, the nearly 22-year-old female black langur has successfully bred again after 4 years.

It is understood that the reproductive age of black langurs is mostly 5-20 years old, and it is the first time that black langurs give birth at the age of 22 in Chongqing Zoo.

  [Concurrent] Teng Mingsheng, Technical Director of Chongqing Zoo

  It is in his 20s, and there are very few black langurs in his 20s. It has already set a record in our zoo.

  [Explanation] The northern white-cheeked gibbon is a national first-class key protected animal. It is extinct in the wild or functionally extinct in China. There are only about 50 northern white-cheeked gibbons in captivity in Chinese zoos.

In the North White-cheeked Gibbon Museum, this little gibbon has not been weaned yet, and most of the time, he still hugs his mother with his arms and stays in his mother's arms.

  [Explanation] The little lemur crawls lazily on the mother. The monkey father, the monkey uncle, and the monkey aunt often like to stretch out their hands to gently "rub" the lemur baby. This big family looks warm and happy.

  [Explanation] Rare birds such as flamingos, double-horned hornbills, and red-crowned cranes are model couples. In addition to taking turns incubating eggs, the chicks also share the responsibility of feeding them after they are born.

  [Explanation] Teng Mingsheng, technical director of Chongqing Zoo, told reporters that next, Chongqing Zoo will further strengthen the management of wildlife breeding, and continue to do a good job in animal breeding, postpartum maternal care, and newborn cub rearing to ensure breeding and survival. Continuous development and expansion of dominant animal populations.

  Reported by reporter Jia Nan from Chongqing

Responsible editor: [Luo Pan]