Peony step, tired silk pendant, inlaid treasure and phoenix hairpin... Recently, in the filigree inlaid studio located in Yubei, Chongqing, the "post-90s" Chongqing guy Gu Guoqiang is making filigree inlaid jewelry.

  Filigree inlay, also known as fine gold craftsmanship, has a history of thousands of years in China.

The filigree is made of gold, silver, copper and other metals drawn into filaments, which are made by stacking, stacking, weaving, weaving and other techniques.

The craftsmanship of filigree inlay is a representative of Chinese court craftsmanship, and was included in the national intangible cultural heritage list in 2008.

  Gu Guoqiang is a filigree inlaying craftsman of the Yu style. In recent years, he has deeply studied this traditional technique, integrating filigree inlaying with modern aesthetic styles and usage habits, and boldly adding Western aesthetic ideas, constantly transforming and innovating, keeping pace with the times.

Gu Guoqiang also increased the overseas awareness of filigree inlays by participating in offline exhibitions and online short video promotions.

Today, he sends nearly 300 pieces of filigree inlaid works overseas every year, so that this intangible cultural heritage skill with Chinese charm can be preserved and passed on.

(Chen Qiuxing, Jiang Hangjia, Chen Xin, Produced by Liu Yinghan)

Responsible editor: [Ji Xiang]