In 2012, the debate on the use of the gender-neutral pronoun hen culminated.

Ten years later, it is still a word that catches the eye of many, but how annoying you experience "hen" seems to coincide with what you vote for.

Of those who responded to Språktidningen and Novus' survey, which also stated that they vote for the Sweden Democrats, 50 percent think that "hen" is the most annoying phenomenon in the Swedish language.

- But if you look at those who vote for the Left Party, the Green Party, the Center Party and the Liberals, it is very rare that you get annoyed with "them", says Språktidningen's editor-in-chief Anders Svensson.

Young people dislike special writings

In addition to political opinions, age is something that affects what one perceives as disruptive.

For example, older people are more bothered by English loanwords and younger people are bothered by archaic names of ethnic groups, such as "Indian" instead of indigenous people.

But not all results were completely expected, thinks Anders Svensson.

- A little surprisingly, young people are very bothered by incorrect special spellings.

It surprised me a little, often in the debate you hear that older people think that young people are careless and write too much, he says.