On the occasion of the 27th World Book Day, "How hard this year's young people read" was put on a hot search.

  In addition to the subjective reason of "more love to read", there are also objective conditions, such as the epidemic has caused people to spend more time alone at home.

In addition, the rise of new reading methods such as digital reading and listening to books has also made reading more convenient and free.

But this also raises a new question for people: how should we define "reading"?

Brushing online texts or reading comics with a mobile phone counts as reading?

"Quick-reading" a famous book through an audio and video program, does it count as "reading" the book?

  Few acts of everyday life are as esteemed in ancient and modern times as in reading.

This may be because human beings are eager to get rid of ignorance, promote progress with knowledge, and enrich experience with experience, and reading is one of the most convenient ways to acquire new knowledge and expand the breadth of life. Ignorance and knowledge."

Or, reading itself is a gesture of resistance to the secular, which means that you don’t want to mess around and waste time.

For readers of the past, "books are spiritual temples that you carry with you."

Today, many people have high hopes for reading to get rid of anxiety in the torrent of information and live in the changing environment. However, it cannot be ignored that while the development of technology brings convenience to reading, there is also a The hidden danger of running counter to the value.

  When people use reading software, the platform often uses big data to create portraits for users, and constantly makes accurate recommendations based on their interests and hobbies. It is possible to read dozens of novels and read the same kind of stories; when more and more tools try to "" When helping" people improve their reading efficiency, they don't know that these spiritual "fast foods" also lose the nutrition of the original work in vain.

After half an hour to finish the outline of the story of "A Dream of Red Mansions", how can I convey the elegance, absurdity and loneliness that are hidden among the peach blossoms and the flowing waters, those locked in the deep courtyard of Zhumen?

Watching experts and scholars talk about history or economics, but without the process of independent thinking, how can you sharpen your mind?

After listening to a book of "A Brief History of Humanity" on the commute, if it is not taken as the background music, then the so-called "reading" using fragmented time may only be reduced to a self-deceiving joke.

  It should be pointed out that the author does not believe that reading paper books is necessarily superior to digital reading. No matter which reading method you choose, the purpose is to "open the book and be beneficial".

In the face of the "national reading boom", it is necessary to maintain sufficient calm and self-examination, and be wary of new forms of reading over substance.

If you forget the original intention of reading and are bound or even enslaved by the "gospel" of new technologies, you can only indulge in the illusory satisfaction brought by "ineffective reading" and gain nothing in the end.
