[Explanation] Muay Thai is not only a legendary fighting skill, but also a symbol of Thai traditional culture.

Nowadays, Muay Thai is more and more popular among Chinese young people.

Recently, in a Muay Thai gym in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, Abang, a 28-year-old Thai young man, was teaching students Muay Thai skills.

The Thai boxer has been teaching Muay Thai in Chengdu for 5 years.

  Abang grew up in rural Thailand and practiced Muay Thai since childhood and was a professional boxer.

As a child of a poor family, he once hoped to change his destiny with a pair of fists, but there are many Thai boxers and the competition is fierce, and he has bad luck.

In 2018, Abang came to Chengdu by chance to compete, and the "ring" of his life has changed since then.

With the help of Master, Abang came to Chengdu to teach Muay Thai and became a "Rong Piao".

Abang said frankly that he has a 4-year-old son, and he originally came to China to teach Muay Thai to earn money to support his family.

  [Concurrent] Muay Thai Coach Abang

  In 2018, I finished college and I stopped playing.

I want to be a (Muay Thai) coach in China because there are many Chinese people who like Muay Thai. If I come to work in China, the salary will be higher.

  [Commentary] Because he doesn't speak Chinese, he can't communicate with people normally, which makes Abang very uncomfortable.

Later, with the help of the boxing gym owner and Thai colleagues, Abang learned Chinese little by little and gradually adapted to the "Rong Piao" life.

Outside of work, he likes to rest at home.

But when it comes to Chengdu cuisine, Abang is full of eloquence.

  [Concurrent] Muay Thai Coach Abang

  If at home I often make my own Thai food.

If the food in Chengdu, I like to eat hot pot.

It tastes spicy (hot), as spicy as Thailand (dish).

  [Commentary] Abang introduced that before coming to China, his impression of China was almost entirely from TV. He once thought that China was very ancient and distant, but when he came, he found that it was very different.

In the past few years teaching Muay Thai in Chengdu, Abang has come to know China, and he has a better understanding of the Chinese.

Abang said that more and more people are learning Muay Thai in Chengdu in recent years. He enjoys the transformation of the students and is happy to bring Muay Thai culture to China.

  [Concurrent] Muay Thai Coach Abang

  The Chinese are very enthusiastic, and my students and coaches are very polite.

Muay Thai can protect oneself. When practicing Muay Thai, one's body can (become) very good and (can also be) brave.

Muay Thai can use the whole (body), you can protect yourself with your hands and legs, you don't need to hit with something, if (someone) is close to him and hug you, you can use your elbow (to counterattack).

  [Commentary] Abang revealed that his current income in Chengdu is about three times that of his peers in Thailand.

And he has already fallen in love with the city of Chengdu.

  After the outbreak of the new crown epidemic, Abang has not been home for more than two years, relying on daily video calls to ease his thoughts.

Abang said that after the epidemic is over, he will bring his parents and son to Chengdu, and the family will go to see the Leshan Giant Buddha together.

  [Concurrent] Muay Thai Coach Abang

  I went to see the Leshan Giant Buddha, which is very beautiful and fun.

If there is no epidemic, I would like to take my father, mother, and my son to come and play and see the Leshan Giant Buddha.

I want to work (here) until my son can go to work, he can take care of himself, and I will go back to Thailand.

  Ho Meikun reports from Chengdu, Sichuan

Responsible editor: [Lu Yan]