Nurturing our spiritual world through reading (People's Times Commentary)

  The days are getting longer, the wind is warming, and spring is a good time to read.

With the sound of books on campus and colorful reading activities in the streets, we are about to usher in the 27th World Reading Day.

Once a year, this day with a strong scent of books is not only a reminder to read, reminding people who are in a hurry not to forget to accompany reading in good times, but also a guide to reading, guiding people to think about how to cultivate our lives through reading. spiritual world.

  Today, people's reading objects are no longer just paper books.

A report shows that in 2020, the scale of China's digital reading industry will reach 35.16 billion yuan, and the scale of digital reading users will reach 494 million.

With the increasing popularity of digital reading, some people are accustomed to holding the scrolls in their hands, and they only love the incense of calligraphy and books, and feel the charm of reading in the paper scrolls;

Digital reading does make reading accessible and flexible, but it also raises concerns about fragmentation of attention and entertainment of content.

When black and white letters are turned into virtual numbers, and physical books are turned into digital screens, when new media and new scenarios change reading habits, and fragmentation and light weight are increasingly becoming new features of reading, how should we realize the meaning of reading and how should we continue to convey it? Scholarly?

  It should be seen that one purpose of reading is to seek knowledge.

From "reading" to "reading the screen", the change of reading habits, from another perspective, is also the enrichment of reading methods.

The upgrading of digital products and the electronicization of paper books have made it easier to acquire knowledge; the integration of multiple forms of audio-visual content has also upgraded reading from a flat "on paper" to a three-dimensional "seeing through miles" .

From "one volume in hand" to "one screen, ten thousand volumes", digitalization has opened up the "links" between books, allowing people to achieve knowledge by analogy, from point to surface, by means of jumping to sources, aggregating recommendations, etc. Beaded in chains.

It can be said that digitalization has expanded the channels of knowledge and enriched the learning experience.

Whether it is "reading" or "reading the screen", it is beneficial to the growth of knowledge, and the key lies in whether the content of reading itself is meaningful.

  It should also be seen that the more important meaning of reading is to think.

No matter which way of reading, immersion and reciprocation is an essential reading process.

The hidden contemplation in the blank space of the text, and the taste and chewing after the sound and picture are finished, are all in the process of thinking and traveling for thousands of years, enriching the spiritual home of the readers.

At the same time, reading itself is a way to improve self-cultivation.

Reading a good book is like climbing a peak. People can enjoy the scenery when they are in the middle of the mountain, but only by constantly climbing up can they appreciate the infinite scenery of "being at the top of the mountain and seeing the small mountains".

Keeping focus and determination in the wave of information by thinking, and cultivating feelings and temperament in the world of pen and ink are also the meaning of reading to us.

  Unwinding is beneficial.

At any time, only reading that gains insight and spiritual enlightenment is truly beneficial reading.

No matter what way of reading, the important thing is that the content of the reading has weight, and after reading it, you have to think about it.

Because of this, we don't have to be entangled in the "visible book" and "invisible book" in terms of reading form, but should focus on the depth and thickness of reading.

Making reading an indispensable way of life and enriching the spiritual world of self through submerged reading is precisely the inspiration of World Book Day to us.

  Li Chenyang