Surely you have often heard how Russia, Russians contemptuously throw: "Revanchists."

What is meant?

Russia allegedly experiences phantom pains about the collapse of the empire and wants revenge.

It's like something terribly embarrassing.

Well, revanchists, so what?

It is unlikely that Russia needs to rebuild the entire empire, but there are things of principle.

For example, Russia, the Russians cannot afford to revise the results of 1945: restoring even in caricature forms neo-Nazi practices and attempts to equate the Soviet soldier with the fascist, Zhukov with Paulus, Stalin with Hitler.

But, honestly, aren't we surrounded on all sides by other revanchists?

Bandera Ukraine lost and wants Bandera revenge.

Petliura's Ukraine has lost and wants Petliura's revenge.

And Mazepinskaya lost - and also wants to win back.

Political Germans make a decent European face - and never admit to themselves out loud that they will forever need revenge for the utter defeat they experienced, once inflicted by these barbarians.

Again, a million raped German women - as part of the post-war German myth.

They have long and secretly wanted to rape someone in return.

The Poles dream of a terrible revenge for all the partitions of Poland and for the Ukrainian lands taken from them by the Russians, which they, of course, consider their own.

Therefore, one day you need to break the skull of the Moscow Kremlin, and they will quickly deal with the Ukrainian lackeys.

Rest of Europe?

A secret and inescapable resentment boils under her heart: the USSR launched the most cruel anti-colonial processes that destroyed all European empires - British, French, Italian.

Suddenly you forgot, but the British Empire occupied 21% of the earth's land.

Fifth of the planet!

She was bigger than the USSR!

And these Russian Bolsheviks broke the whole structure for them.

The Ottoman Empire collapsed too - and also wants revenge.

But this is if we take countries and states.

And there are also entire political classes that want revenge.

In 1991, a class of the liberal-bourgeois Western elite came to power in Russia, one way or another controlling our country for ten years.

At the beginning of the 2000s, a series of blows were dealt to this class, Berezovsky, Gusinsky and the company (in the process, by the way, also wars - but in the North Caucasus) rolled out of the country.

But the other part of this class rebooted, swore allegiance and again stuck to Russia.

Now this part of the elite is also being rolled out.

But doesn't she want a rematch?

Wants terribly.

Alik Koch is sitting in Germany and drawing a picture of how he will return to Moscow on a Bandera tank under the Polish flag.

Or, say, American Democrats: is their desire for revenge less?

Obama promised to tear the Russian economy to shreds, and his clan was sure it could be done.

Do you think they forgot about their fiasco?

Everyone here wants revenge.

Some dislike Nuremberg, others dislike the Cossacks in Paris in 1814, others dislike Russian PMCs who returned to Soviet bases in Africa, and yet others dislike the Greek Orthodox faith.

We are standing in the middle of a roaring crowd of revanchists who have broken off, and they are shouting to us: “Revanchists!”

Funny picture.

The point of view of the author may not coincide with the position of the editors.