Cover or original?

  In a twinkling of an eye, 2022 has arrived in mid-April. In the first quarter, there is no talent show and it is difficult to find popular models. Many platforms have focused their attention on April and announced the guest lineup of the show one after another.

As the "number one" type in the variety show market, music programs have always been the high ground for various TV and video platforms to seize.

At present, whether it is the competition singing program "Spring Flowers Will Bloom" with the most Chinese characteristics of folk songs, or "The City of Philharmonic", which claims to be "the first musical competition performance of the whole industry chain", and the main "Music". The concept of "partners", adopting the "Voice of God 3" sung by two or two teams... It can be said that the second quarter has just started, and the music and variety shows can already smell a strong "smell of gunpowder". .

  Music variety shows have always been a popular genre that is deeply loved by audiences, and it can be said that it is one of the variety shows with the highest national recognition.

From the "Voice of China" that popularized countless "amateur" singers in the early days, to "I Am a Singer" of "Fighting with Immortals", and later "Sound into the Heart" that made countless "Mexi Lake Girls" crazy.

In the category of music variety, there are many phenomenal variety shows.

But entering 2022, the audio complex will have to face the embarrassing scenes of long-term non-explosive models, difficulty in innovation, waning popularity, and failure of the "N-generation comprehensive".

  I don't know when it started, and it seems that Yin Zong has entered a long "embarrassment period".

Although the music variety shows on the market are one after another, in various forms, and major platforms are also actively deploying music variety shows, the less and less topical programs, the declining ratings, and the accelerated loss of brand titles all confirm the sound to varying degrees. The "golden age" of syntheses is over.

The market urgently needs a "new explosion" to inject new vitality into the field.

  Where is the "embarrassment" of the sound complex?

Upon closer inspection, it seems that it is mainly limited to two aspects. First, is it necessary to "cover" or "original" musical works?

The second is to stick to the inherent "territory" of the "comprehensive N generation" or to open up a "new path"?

Under these two directions, various platforms and satellite TV have chosen different extension angles to start their creations, but at the same time they are also faced with the critical ears of the audience in the music market and one after another questioning.

  Want to "cover" or "original"?

For a long time, the music market has not given up the attempt to original music programs.

For example, "This!

Just Original" and "Tomorrow Creation Project", etc., focus on the original field of local music.

But as far as the broadcast situation is concerned, it is difficult for "amateur" singer-songwriters to bring natural traffic and topicality to the program, the dilemma of "difficulty out of the circle" for good music works cannot be solved, and the program naturally cannot break through the inherent circle of dissemination. .

  Therefore, in the recently launched "Voice of God 3" and "Praise for the Song 2", the choice is still the form of "covering" the popular music works.

In the program aired on April 1, the cover of the song "Rose Boy" sparked controversy on the Internet. The next day's topic #How to evaluate the rose boy adapted by gai# has exceeded 100 million views.

This song, originally sung by Jolin Tsai, has a very serious incident background, but netizens questioned that the adapted song "Rose Boy" in the show has lost the core "soul" of the original work.

It can be seen that covers and adaptations of well-known songs also face "risks", and fans of the original work will complain if they are not careful.

  On the current list of music comprehensives, you can still see "The Voice of China", "The Masked Singer", "The Voice of God" and other "Comprehensive N Generations" are still sticking to it, but under the outdated model, the loss of audiences is getting worse.

As a result, many creators have turned their attention to more subdivided and niche music circles. For example, "Summer of the Band" led the rise of the band's music culture; "The New Generation of Rap" set their sights on the "Generation Z". Rap creator.

Now, musicals, folk songs, national styles, folk songs... Under more vertical and refined themes, music variety shows are also constantly exploring new "paths" and looking for more subtle incisions.

  Today, the "embarrassment period" of music variety shows that have not been popular for a long time is still going on. Perhaps the current embarrassing scene can only be terminated by the emergence of the next phenomenon-level show.

Maybe when the explosion model appears, it can also create a new music trend and lead the direction of the next wave of music variety shows.

  Cover reporter Li Yuxin