The US authorities will take all possible measures to prevent the reunification of Taiwan with mainland China by force.

Jake Sullivan, assistant to the American leader for national security, said this.

“Our public policy is that we will take every possible measure to ensure that this never happens,” he said when asked what Washington would do if mainland China tried to forcefully reunite with Taiwan.

You don't have to be an advanced analyst to understand that this statement by a representative of the American administration was caused by the events in Ukraine.

Washington is very worried that the success of the Russian armed forces in returning the territory of the former Ukraine to Greater Russia will inspire China to carry out exactly the same special military operation against Taiwan.

Actually, the Americans' concern is quite justified.

Taiwan is to China what Ukraine is to Russia.

Both Ukraine and Taiwan arose on the basis of a geopolitical confrontation initiated by the West.

Ukraine is a Western project, from the very beginning aimed at tearing off a fragment from Greater Russia.

In other words, Ukraine is a political project, created by order of the government of Austria-Hungary, later supported by Germany and Poland, with the aim of weakening the Russian Empire and tearing away part of the territories from it.

Initially, the project was formed on the myth that a special people lives in the south-west of the Russian Empire, and the very space of south-western Russia is nothing but Ukraine, which, by all means, must gain independence from Russia. 

But the whole Ukrainian mythology was originally created precisely in order to form a pro-Western geopolitical foothold near the borders of Russia, from which it would be possible to annoy the mainland continental state, threaten, and restrain.

And in order to unleash this artificial political formation at the right moment, like a mad dog, in order to weaken, exhaust, and bleed the enemy.

Just as Ukraine is anti-Russia, so is Taiwan anti-China.

The same geopolitical logic: to create an Atlanticist geopolitical foothold in the Eurasian mainland China, ideologically built with the opposite sign, representing the civilization of the West and implementing Western ideological models.

The piquancy of the situation is given precisely by the fact that opportunists, renegades of their people, are being used here and there, who, with the help of many years of Western propaganda, are instilled with the idea that they are “different”.

The Russians of the south-west of Greater Russia, among whom there are representatives of the Little Russian ethnic groups, and many other ethnic groups, are instilled with the idea that they are not only “non-Russian”, but also some special



And in order for them to believe in it better, Western values ​​are implanted in them, the idea is instilled that they are part of the West, flesh of the flesh of Western civilization.

True, the true attitude of the inhabitants of the West, in particular Europe, towards those who have adopted “Ukrainianism” can be seen even now: they are despised, feared, and for the inhabitants of European cities they represent a big problem.

But the arrogant representatives of the West and the people of Taiwan have exactly the same attitude: you, of course, are not China, you are special, you are almost the West, but just sit on your island and do not stick your head out.

In this hypocrisy and cynicism of the West lies nothing but geopolitical logic: the continental Eurasian states, which, from the point of view of geopolitical science, by definition, are opposed by maritime, Atlanticist states, should be opposed by their antipodes.

Some renegades and traitors who have gone over to the side of the geopolitical enemy, that is, to the side of Atlanticism, who must infuriate the enemies of the West, disturb the internal balance, exhaust, annoy, faithfully serving the overseas masters.

From a geopolitical point of view, Ukraine is a key fragment of Greater Russia, without which, according to the late Zbigniew Brzezinski, Russia ceases to be a Eurasian power, turning into an Asian regional state.

The same applies to Taiwan, whose strategic position is key, as Taiwan is located at the center of the first chain of islands and nodal points in the East China Sea, the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea.

From there, control over the shipping of the entire region is exercised, as well as security issues in mainland China.

In order for these anti-states to more effectively annoy their former brothers, declared “non-brothers” by the will of the West, the West pumps them up with weapons.

For Ukraine, these are the "saints" Javelin and Stinger, as well as everything that is needed for the war with Russia.

For Taiwan, these are MQ-9 reconnaissance aircraft equipped with Harpoon missiles, coastal defense systems (Harpoon Coastal Defense Systems) and a whole range of products from American manufacturers.

Everything is against Russia and China.

Both here and there, the United States adopted military partnership programs, and in Ukraine and Taiwan, American instructors train specialists for war, and here and there they threaten sanctions, and here and there they promise to do "everything possible" to prevent the return of these separatist territories by force to the Eurasian geopolitical control.

Over the past 70 years, the United States has not stopped helping Taiwan, upgrading weapons and assisting in the management of the army.

It's just obvious that the American "empire" is running out, exhausted and fading, which is why the threats are becoming less and less clear and more and more cautious.

What did Sullivan say?

"We will take all possible measures."

Somehow very general and unconvincing.

Actually, Sullivan does not know what these measures are.

The horror (for Sullivan) is that no one in the US, least of all Sleeping Joe himself, knows what this might be about the world's number one economy, China.

On which the US is so dependent.

However, a special military operation in Ukraine showed that the devil is not as terrible as he is painted.

US measures against Russia were limited to a set of sanctions that hit the US and its allies in Europe much more painfully.

And these are sanctions against the state, for which the economy is not the strongest side.

What can we say if the US starts imposing similar sanctions against China?

The consequences will be much more devastating.

First of all, for the global economy, which is based on the US economy.

Well, let's say that the US will not risk imposing economic sanctions against China, but will start acting differently.

But how?

Disconnected from SWIFT?

Do not tell my CIPS, the Chinese will answer in a language incomprehensible to the arrogant Yankees.

Yes, they do not need to answer anything to the Anglo-Saxon savages who, in mud and wildness, chopped off each other's heads, when China was already a multi-thousand-year-old highly developed civilization with a highly differentiated culture and deep ontological philosophy.

In a military way, the United States is unlikely to threaten the holder of the nuclear triad, the Yankees are generally afraid of this as fire;

even North Korea is not touched because of the suspicion that it has something so nuclear.

What's left?

Will they impose an embargo on Hollywood products, turn off Netflix, Facebook, Twitter?

All this rubbish has already been blocked by the Chinese firewall for a long time.

Will the McDonalds restaurant chain be curtailed?

In Chinese it is 麦当劳.

Will brands of Western clothing go away?

So they are sewn in China itself.

Actually, the only thing that remains in the arsenal of the United States and its allies is the supply of weapons to Taiwan to delay the Chinese special military operation and increase the number of casualties among representatives of the Taiwanese territorial defense.

Taiwan, most likely, will have its own Mariupol, and the distribution of weapons to the defenders of Taipei, and anti-Chinese propaganda, conducted according to the same American manuals as in Ukraine.

In general, nothing new and nothing special.

Watching what is happening in Ukraine, China has the opportunity to prepare and do what is long overdue: to return Taiwan to its native harbor, pushing the presumptuous Yankees even here.

And then they will be driven from everywhere to their island, where it is high time for them to take care of their own problems.

And then, you see, we will also decide that the Texans are a special people, and Hawaii is an island of freedom, where they have long been waiting for help from China and Russian marines.

Chinese California has been waiting for Chinese weapons for a long time, and most San Francisco residents do not understand at all why they, most of them Chinese, should listen to the incoherent ravings of a tired old man from Washington?

And this is not to mention the free and independent Alaska, which has been groaning under the yoke of the American colonialists for a hundred years.

There, among the glitter of snow against the backdrop of the northern lights, Russian Iskanders can look especially beautiful.

The point of view of the author may not coincide with the position of the editors.