How to maintain the momentum born of confinement?

That's the question we asked ourselves when posting the latest issues of our daily “Stay positive at home” newsletter.

Every noon since mid-March, we had gotten into the habit of sending a lot of good news to your inboxes to cut through the gloom of the period.

You have joined.

The thousands of registrations and the emails of encouragement helped us all see the glass half full.

And from suggestion to recommendation, we quickly noticed that solidarity initiatives were legion in these difficult times.

Whether on the side of start-ups, which have given their letters of nobility to the Tech For Good movement, associations, emerging or already well established, which have supplemented the public authorities in many forgotten territories, or even nature, who took advantage of the tranquility of confinement to regain his ease.

A weekly version

What were we going to do with this daily good-humored shoot?

Your emails helped us make our decision.

“Stay positive at home” becomes “Stay positive with us”, a weekly newsletter designed around a conviction: there is absolutely no fatality if the world after is the world before and worse. .

If you doubt it, our selection of solidarity initiatives and good news unearthed by our editorial staff should convince you.

And if you are already convinced, you can go further by helping us find the best projects by email at

or on Linkedin.


In both cases, you only have one click left to join our community.

Subscribe to our newsletter by leaving your email address above.

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