'Hacker' jailed for hacking website to steal red envelope links

  □ Our reporter Ruan Zhanjiang

  □ Our correspondent Zhao Ming and Chen Jianqun

  After the two bought betel nut and scanned the code to win the lottery, they used their brains to hack the back-end website of the betel nut enterprise through computer technology, download the red envelope links in batches, and sell the stolen red envelope links, and they were finally punished by law.

  In March 2021, a betel nut company in Xiangtan County, Hunan Province reported to the police that it was suspected that the winning information on the packaging of the betel nut products it sold had been leaked and that the prize was maliciously claimed.

Later, the police found out that from March 4 to 5, 2021, there were 3 WeChat accounts that scanned the QR code of the company’s betel nut for many times, and the 3 accounts accumulated a total of 40,855.42 yuan.

The users behind the three accounts were quickly verified, namely Guo Mou, Wan Mou and Zou Mou. They explained that they met "friends" from a card-issuing platform and spent 5 to 10 yuan less than the amount of the red envelope, that is, You can buy "red envelopes" composed of QR code and password information, and earn the difference after scanning the code.

  Subsequently, Zhang and Xu, who were behind the scenes, surfaced.

At the beginning of February 2021, Zhang and Xu discovered that the company involved in the case had a scanning QR code to win prizes.

Zhang had worked in an Internet company and had relatively skilled computer technology, so he hacked the backstage website of the betel nut enterprise, found the lottery code of the lottery, and downloaded the link and password of the company's WeChat lottery red envelopes in batches through relevant technical means30 More than ten thousand.

  Since the company has set the upper limit of QR code redemption redemption to 10 times a day for the same WeChat account, in order to quickly redeem the red envelopes, Zhang broke through the background limit and revised the upper limit to 100 times.

Not only did they scan by themselves, but Zhang and Xu also built a platform for "issuing cards and building a network" online, selling "red packets" at low prices to Wan and others.

  As of the incident, the six people involved shared the WeChat scan code to redeem the stolen WeChat lottery red envelopes amounting to more than 300,000 yuan, and the attempted part amounted to more than 800,000 yuan, of which Zhang and Xu earned more than 200,000 yuan.

Recently, Zhang and other 6 people, who were prosecuted by the Xiangtan County People's Procuratorate, used computer network technology to carry out theft, cover-up, and concealment of criminal proceeds.