Spring girl came with light steps, and came with her limited friend "Sakura".

The clusters of cherry blossoms always give people a beautiful and tranquil impression. The "peripheral" products of various cherry blossoms also attract countless fans, and even the food does not miss the heat of wanting to rub against the cherry blossoms.

For example, a few days ago, Nanjing Xuanwu Lake launched a new cherry blossom ice cream, which is so beautiful that tourists can't help but want to try it.

But some sakura-flavored foods aren't so great.

  Intern Chen Xujia

  Yangzi Evening News/Ziniu News trainee reporter Lv Yanlin

  Spring limited cherry-flavored food is hot

  The response was flat

  When you step into a convenience store or a coffee shop on the street recently, you must be greeted by a row of powdered things. If you look closely, most of them are covered with beautiful skins of "spring limited" and "sakura flavor".

  For example, a well-known biscuit brand recently launched two spring limited sandwich biscuits, one of which is "fresh and refreshing cherry blossom grapefruit flavor", and the sales volume is quite high.

The reporter noticed that the biscuit part of the product is light pink, which should be cherry blossom flavor, while the sandwich part is light yellow grapefruit flavor.

"The freshness of spring is full of mouth, and it falls in one bite." With such a slogan, it attracted many people to buy and taste.

  "The pink biscuits have no cherry flavor at all, and the filling is quite sweet." "I didn't taste the cherry blossoms, but the grapefruit flavor was stronger." Most of the citizens who have eaten this sakura grapefruit-flavored biscuits shook their heads when they mentioned it.

  It's not just cherry blossom cookies that make you frown at the memory.

In the eyes of many people, cherry blossom-flavored food may be "good-looking skins are not one in a thousand, but the core of dark cuisine is the same."

Sakura-flavored soda, cherry-flavored potato chips, cherry-flavored ice cream, etc., almost all received mediocre responses, and many even called out "unpalatable".

For example, after drinking a certain cherry blossom latte, some netizens intuitively had a complex experience of "shabu-shabu water + sugar + milk + essence"; some netizens said after tasting a certain brand of cherry blossom jelly, "It smells like cough syrup, Eating it like tremella sugar water."

  The taste of sakura you eat

  It's all imagined "fake cherry blossom flavor"

  In fact, even on the Cherry Blossom Avenue in full bloom, it is difficult to tell what the cherry blossoms are, because most of the cherry blossoms themselves have almost no strong aroma.

  So where does the "sakura flavor" we eat every day come from?

Ethyl butyrate, amyl butyrate, benzyl acetate, benzaldehyde, anisaldehyde and tolualdehyde... If you look at the ingredients list carefully, it is the edible flavors that are formulated with many compounds that give the "life" of the cherry blossom flavor.

But why is the "cherry blossom" flavor so unpalatable?

  Industry insiders revealed to reporters that in fact, because the smell of cherry blossoms is difficult to describe, the research and development can be said to be "imaginative".

"Usually in the process of blending, I hope that people can use this flavor to evoke associations related to cherry blossoms as much as possible." This also means that although none of them are pleasant flavors, in fact, every "cherry blossom flavor" food and beverage product The flavors are different, because they all come from different perfumers' understanding and imagination of the cherry blossom flavor.

  Guanshan cherry blossoms have been approved as raw materials

  Taste the real sakura delicacies, just around the corner

  In fact, humans are extremely sensitive to taste.

"According to statistics, adults have 2,000 to 4,000 taste buds." Stomatological experts told reporters that the legendary taste buds are hidden under the mastoid, and the mastoid is one that sticks out the tongue and looks at the mirror carefully and is not difficult to find. It is their presence that increases the surface area of ​​the tongue several times, making the perception of taste more comprehensive.

  From taking a sip of a drink, eating a sip of food, to receiving specific flavor information in the brain, it needs to go through a series of "operations" of the taste system.

The sensory cells on each taste bud have different sensitivities to different sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, and salty, not to mention that they are also affected by multiple factors such as smell, temperature, and taste.

Why do artificial flavors such as cherry blossom flavor seem normal, but the taste of "death" when eating makes people feel that it is a "scam"?

It must be really saddened by the "taste barrier" of human beings.

  However, the reporter also noticed that on March 1, 2022, the National Health and Health Commission issued the "Announcement on 32 "Three New Foods" including Guanshan Cherry Blossoms, and Guanshan Cherry Blossoms have been approved as new food raw materials.

This also means that we may be able to try food related to real cherry blossoms in the future.