On April 11, the walls of Shanghai Xinguobo Fangcai Hospital were almost filled with hand-painted paintings, and the "Thunder Mountain Cultural Wall" reappeared in Shanghai Fangcai Hospital.

  Many patients and volunteers picked up pens to draw and leave messages on the wall.

"Thank you for coming to Shanghai to fight the epidemic together", "I hope to get rid of the epidemic as soon as possible and be admitted to the school of your choice"... The walls of the makeshift hospital have become a beautiful scenery.

  Chen Qin, a neurosurgery nurse at Wuhan University's Zhongnan Hospital, is a member of the Shanghai-aided medical team and one of the first medical staff to enter the cabin.

Chen Qin expressed the hope that these hand-painted works can not only encourage patients, but also relieve pressure on medical staff.

  (The video of Zou Hao produced by Gao Xiang and Li Han comes from Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University)

Responsible editor: [Luo Pan]