5 minutes

Reasons for your CV to be rejected


Alaa Jarrad


April 12 2022

The CV is a summary of the career, academic and practical path, and it is the visa for obtaining a job. After reviewing the CV, the employer decides whether the job applicant is worthy of an interview or not. Therefore, it is important to ensure the accuracy, content and format of the CV file, whether it is in print or as an electronic copy.

Some people are highly skilled, highly specialized, and have done very great work, but if you judge them by CV, they will undoubtedly not be chosen.

There are some straightforward points that can go a long way in writing a professional resume.

First of all, there are ready-made templates available for free in Microsoft Word that can be used, so there is no need to start from scratch. Side headings, it is possible to use a slightly larger size, but of the same type of font, usually the font size is between 10 and 12, and also there must be a space between the lines, so that the CV is not overcrowded with content, which bothers those who read it, the number of pages is also important, and here it is necessary From understanding the context of the institution to which the CV will be submitted, and the country as well. In Britain, for example, the average number of acceptable pages is between four to five pages, and in European Union programs, including large projects, the CV should not exceed two pages, regardless of the size and depth and advanced experience.

As for the content, make absolutely sure that there are no spelling or language errors, and review the file more than once, and it is preferable that it be linguistically checked by a competent person. Careful accuracy of language.

In terms of experiences, education and memberships, it is sufficient to mention a summary of the previous work, and it is better to focus on the achievements and not the procedures, that is, not to mention the daily routine that the person performs, but rather focus on completed projects and major tasks. The new employer or human resources manager wants to He knows what you can offer them.

With regard to education, it is sufficient to mention the qualification, specialization and year of graduation, and in all content the most recent is mentioned first, then the oldest then the oldest.

In Britain, it is wrong to put your photo in your CV, or your date of birth, so it is important to pay attention to the culture and regulations of the requesting party.

Most importantly, your experience should match the job you are applying for, and therefore do not waste your time sending your CV in all directions.

It is always recommended to write a letter of no more than two-thirds of a page, to know yourself, your experiences and why you would like to apply for this job.

And always and forever, success is from the Almighty God, but we have to strive, and if we are not successful, it will come in its time, God willing.



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