Not so long ago, it was not uncommon to see Selena Gomez called "Queen of Instagram" and, even today, the star has more than 300 million subscribers on the social network.

And yet, according to him, the actress and singer has hardly used the Internet for four and a half years!

A cut that did him a lot of good psychologically.

“It completely changed my life.

I am happier, more present.

I connect more with people.

It makes me feel like I'm normal,” she explained on the set of

Good Morning America


His fight

Over the years, Selena Gomez has not hesitated to publicly share her setbacks on the psychological level and she revealed some time ago to be suffering from bipolar disorder.

The actress and singer considers mental health to be far too taboo a subject and she regrets that many people in difficulty cannot afford therapy.

This is why it has just launched Wondermind, a platform dedicated to mental health where experts will deliver advice and content related to this problem on a daily basis.


Selena Gomez attacks Facebook for its inaction in the face of fake news on the Covid-19

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  • Selena Gomez

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  • Mental Health