Is zakat obligatory on loans?

Is zakat obligatory on loans?

In the attached video clip, the answer of the Grand Mufti, Director of the Ifta Department of the Department of Islamic Affairs in Dubai, Dr. Ahmed Al-Haddad.

To watch the video, click on the link

Is zakat obligatory on loans?

In the attached video clip, the answer of the Grand Mufti, Director of the Ifta Department of the Department of Islamic Affairs in Dubai, Dr. Ahmed Al-Haddad.

# Emirates_ Today # Ramadan # Ramadan Kareem 🌙

- Emirates Today (@emaratalyoum) April 10, 2022

Is it permissible for a non-veiled woman to go out during the day in Ramadan without a “sheila”?

Is it permissible to contract the marriage by phone?

Is it permissible to take out zakat to the brother or sister?

Is it permissible for a new Ramadan to come without spending days on not fasting?

Is this a sin?

What is the ruling on someone who does not fast Ramadan without an excuse, and how can he make up for the days that he owes, and what is the expiation for his breaking the fast?

Is it permissible to complete the Noble Qur’an through groups via “WhatsApp”

The Emirates Today website offers the service of receiving your religious inquiries and questions through a voice message via WhatsApp Emirates Today 0501065704. 

The Chief Mufti, Director of the Ifta Department of the Islamic Affairs Department in Dubai, Dr. Ahmed Al-Haddad, will answer you.

Please send questions and inquiries by voice message only via the WhatsApp number shown above, provided that the duration of the voice message does not exceed one minute only, so that we can serve you all. 

We will publish the questions and answers sent through the Emirates Today website and social media platforms Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, while preserving the privacy of the sender.