One would have thought that between the presidential campaign, the war in Ukraine and the rebound of Covid-19, the pavement in the pond launched by Victor Castanet's book  

Les Fossoyeurs

, published at the end of January, would no longer make waves after a few days .

But far from falling, the Ehpads scandal continues to panic.

Last event dated Tuesday, with the publication of the report of investigation of the government on the Orpea group.

And it's damning, confirming the charges in the essay.

What are the consequences for the daily lives of caregivers?

Obviously, not all Ehpads limit the number of nappies and the food portions of their residents, do not charge 12,000 euros per month… The fact remains that for years, some caregivers have been warning about the increasingly difficult conditions in which they are trying to fulfill their mission.

Will this book, the ensuing investigations and the calls to order from the government change things?

You are a caregiver in an Ehpad, have you noticed a difference in recent weeks in the management of residents, meals, teams?

Whether or not you are in an Ehpad which is experiencing problems, which belongs to Orpea or not, do you have the impression that management has taken action?

If so why ?

In the long term, are recruitments, salary increases or improvements in working conditions planned?

Have any families removed their parent from the property?

Or demanded accounts?

  • Health

  • nursing home

  • caregivers

  • Nurse

  • Orpea case

  • Society