Manabu Miyazaki, a writer known for his works depicting the actual situation of the underworld such as gangsters, has passed away.

He was 76 years old.

Manabu Miyazaki was born in Kyoto, and after working as a reporter for a weekly magazine, he made his debut in 1996 as a "breakthrough" who portrayed the reality of Japan's underworld based on his half-life.

After that, he continued to write on the themes of gangsters, Buraku people, police, etc., and actively critiqued issues related to freedom of expression.

In the Glico Morinaga case between 1984 and 1985, he was questioned by police because he resembled a "fox-eyed man" witnessed near a cash delivery site.

According to his sources, he has been ill for the last few years and died of senility on the 30th of last month.