Recover the illusion of militants and voters,

turn the PP back into the meeting point for a majority of Spaniards

, offer a trustworthy government team, bring together

a party that is coming out of an existential crisis around an undisputed leader

over whom it weighs the arduous task of raising a

winning alternative to sanchismo


In short, this is the real purpose of the Seville congress that will elevate

Alberto Núñez Feijóo

as president of the PP.

Time will tell if that purpose t

It ends up being fulfilled, but it is worth recognizing from now on the effort deployed in Seville by the hegemonic organization of the Spanish center-right.



of this decisive conclave has been none other than unity, and it is understandable.

No one will ever know to what extent the total implosion of the PP was close if the change of direction certified by this congress had not occurred.

So much




They insisted in their interventions on the importance of the firm leadership that is born with Feijóo and on the responsibility that, as in past times, urgently knocks on their door again due to the economic drift that the country is going through.

The outgoing president,

Paul Married

, which was

received with a certain coldness but with due courtesy

, vindicated himself without inappropriate boasting and gathered the necessary generosity to avoid absurd settling of accounts and assume the superiority of the institution above names.

That the party has been able to manage its interim term without aggravating the trauma of its replacement is proof of the systemic solidity of the acronym.

There is no renewed leadership without an executive to match


That is why the appointment as coordinator of

Elijah Bendodo

, whose career from a councilor to the vice-presidency of the Junta de Andalucía, passing through the presidency of the Diputación de Málaga, admits few doubts regarding his commitment to the party, his dedication to service and his management capacity.

Bendodo and Gamarra represent

the quiet change

that Feijóo intends, uniting renewal and continuity to the exact extent that García Egea's stage was not able to find.

That is why Feijóo, in his speech, wanted to put a very special emphasis on the nexus of ideas and people that articulates the history of the PP.

He is not a paratrooper, nor a laboratory politician, but his political biography is rooted in the very origins of the formation from the founder


until today, going through the historic refoundation that Aznar also starred in Seville in 1990.

It is time for renewal backed by maturity


But beyond the organic closing of ranks,

the PP cannot allow a solid plan of action not to be visualized quickly.

Feijóo offers a calm change, guards a recognizable legacy and at the same time prints a new impulse that continues it.

The PP will undoubtedly come out very strengthened this weekend, but the relaunch of the party requires getting to work from Monday.

It is urgent to put this reformist, constitutionalist and majority project at the service of the Spanish


There is no time to lose.

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