[Explanation] On March 31, the Babaoshan Funeral Home in Beijing held an open day event, and the women's cremation class made its debut.

This young team, whose average age is only 24 years old, is a brand-new attempt of Babaoshan Funeral Home. The four cremators are all women, and they have a nice name - Fire Rose.

  According to reports, the Fire Rose team was established in early 2022 and consists of four girls who graduated from professional colleges and studied funeral majors.

Wei Tong, the person in charge of the cremation room, said that the cremation work of contemporary remains is not like simple cremation in the past. Now it is more about serving the family of the deceased and serving the deceased. The unique femininity of female cremators can help the family even more. Soothe your mood.

  [Concurrent] Wei Tong, head of the cremation room of the Babaoshan Funeral Home in Beijing

  As for women, she has her own characteristics, tenderness, meticulousness, and sensibility.

To make it easier for family members to accept, and not feel as cold as male cremators, so we set up a women's cremation team to serve people in both worlds.

When we recruited women, we also faced a difficulty, that is, whether anyone would be willing to do it, but I found that with the development of our current society, it is actually very easy for young people to accept this work.

  [Explanation] Walking into the cremation room, Yun Xiaolin, the monitor of the Fire Rose class, is demonstrating the cremation process of the remains to everyone.

  [Concurrent] Yun Xiaolin, cremator of Beijing Babaoshan Funeral Home

  This is a remote control for us to operate the cremation equipment. Our entire cremation is carried out by four concierge personnel who lift the deceased and place them on the cremation kang surface, and then the cremator will first check whether the placement is correct or not. If it is correct, we will carry out a (remains) into the furnace (operation).

  [Explanation] The 23-year-old Yun Xiaolin has been engaged in the profession of cremator for three years. She is also the first female cremator of Babaoshan Funeral Home in the past 20 years.

At the beginning of her career, she experienced a lot of doubts. Both leaders and colleagues believed that this job was too hard for girls.

In summer, the high temperature in the cremation room is unbearable, and the cremators in special clothes are sweating profusely.

Yun Xiaoling said that she had also retreated and wavered, but she did not want to give up.

She said this was to make up for a regret in her heart.

  [Concurrent] Yun Xiaolin, cremator of Beijing Babaoshan Funeral Home

  Because after my grandfather passed away, I didn't send him the last journey. For me, I feel it is a kind of regret, a permanent regret, but when I did this job, I sent away many, many dead people. I have also met a lot of family members, and sometimes I can see my own shadow.

In fact, we cremators are not only guarding the door of the cremation furnace, but guarding the end of life. I think we are the ferrymen of the soul.

  [Explanation] Yao Ziqing, who has just worked for six months, is a "post-00". She studied nursing when she heard that the school opened a funeral major, and found that she was more interested in this industry, so she resolutely changed her major.

She said that when she walked out of the campus and came to the funeral home to become a cremator, she truly felt the true meaning of life and grew up quickly.

  [Concurrent] Yao Ziqing, cremator of Beijing Babaoshan Funeral Home

  In the past, I may not have any special feelings about life, but maybe after I come here, I may cherish life more, and I can comfort my relatives and friends better, just facing this kind of death. At times, how to face it correctly is how to guide some of their sad emotions, how to help them get out faster, these are actually the biggest growth for me.

  Reporter Liu Xuanting reports from Beijing

Responsible editor: [Li Ji]