Since the implementation of the "Announcement on Matters Related to the Comprehensive Ban on Importing Solid Waste" on January 1, 2021, localities have achieved remarkable results in the implementation process.

At the same time, in order to avoid supervision, criminals have also come up with a lot of "crooked ways", trying to import illegally by breaking them into pieces and concealing reports.

There are many "crooked ways"

  Hidden and concealed reports.

In the first half of 2021, Daxie Customs, a subsidiary of Zhejiang Ningbo Customs, seized a batch of plastic particles "foreign garbage".

When the on-site customs officers opened the container for inspection, the large packages of particles placed at the door were uniform in particle size and uniform in color, and the on-site judgment was basically normal.

But when I dug deeper, I found that under the normal plastic particles, almost all of them were variegated particles, and there were even silk threads and abnormal-shaped strips, which were obviously "foreign garbage".

  When the whole is broken, the ants move.

At the beginning of 2021, the Anti-Smuggling Bureau of Jiangmen Customs in Guangdong cracked a case of smuggling of old clothes. The smuggling gang organized "Shui Ke" to smuggle old clothes into the country in batches when entering the customs at the port, and arranged for a special person to collect, pack and transport them to The transit warehouse is temporarily stored, and then the goods are delivered to the downstream owner through domestic express logistics and other methods for profit.

  To shoddy, fish-eyes mixed.

Huang Xiaoqiang, deputy director of Jiangxi Yingtan Customs, introduced that recycled copper is an important supplement to domestic copper raw materials. Since the implementation of the new policy on recycled copper in November 2020, the import volume of recycled copper has increased significantly.

When inspecting a batch of imported goods named "No. 2 copper material (recycled copper raw material)", the customs officer of Guangdong Foshan Customs Office in Gaoming found that the surface of the batch of goods was covered with a coating. It is the residual material of enameled wire from copper processing or the production process of downstream enterprises.

Why do you keep getting banned?

  Industry insiders believe that the smuggling channels and chains of "foreign garbage" extend to foreign countries. At the source represented by developed countries, there are a large number of various types of garbage that cannot be accommodated and processed in their own countries, and they still need to continue to be transferred outwards.

With the soaring prices of imported raw materials, the advantages of imported waste raw materials have gradually emerged. In the face of high profits, there are always criminals who take risks.

  The identification standards for some "foreign garbage" categories are not clearly formulated, which also allows smugglers to take advantage of the gap.

Some customs officials said that the current import clearance of recycled plastic particles needs to meet the "three consistency", that is, batches of uniform color, uniform particle size, and uniformly packaged recycled plastic particles are not regulated as solid waste, but this standard is not clear enough. , which may lead to discrimination difficulties.

  According to industry insiders, the management of imported solid waste involves multiple departments such as environmental protection, customs, and quality inspection. The supervision power is decentralized and there are many law enforcement subjects, which increases the difficulty of supervision and gives criminals an opportunity.

The quality inspection agency takes a long time to identify whether the consignment is "foreign garbage", which usually takes several weeks, which brings certain difficulties to the law enforcement and disposal of the relevant departments.

At the same time, the information sharing and law enforcement collaboration among various law enforcement agencies need to be strengthened.

Banning "foreign rubbish" still needs many efforts

  To tear off the disguise of "foreign garbage" makeover, technical means are particularly critical.

Recently, when a batch of imported goods passed through the large container inspection equipment of Tianjin Customs, the intelligent plan approval system issued a "solid waste" alarm.

The image reviewer immediately opened the image to review and found that the image of the goods showed a state of disorganized and broken skin. After identification, the actual goods were indeed solid waste.

  Relevant persons believe that the role of scientific and technological forces in building a “foreign garbage” precise line of defense on the front line of the country will become more prominent in the future. Investment in intelligent inspection equipment should be increased, its “perspective” function should be enhanced, and the detection of solid waste and other smuggled goods should be improved. detection and discrimination.

  At the same time, the crackdown on offenders should be intensified.

Industry insiders believe that it is necessary to strengthen the use of technical means and improve the ability of precise strikes; to maintain a high-pressure situation through criminal and administrative law enforcement means; market supervision departments and local governments should also form a linkage mechanism to strengthen supervision.

  Zhao Yuchun, cadre of the Anti-Smuggling Office of the Commerce Department of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, believes that it is necessary to give full play to the main role of local governments in the comprehensive anti-smuggling governance, enhance the work awareness of diverse, open and co-governance of various law enforcement entities, and coordinate various law enforcement departments to strengthen communication and cooperation. Smooth coordination and cooperation Mechanism, strengthen cooperation in information exchange, intelligence exchange, resource sharing, joint law enforcement and other aspects, and build a three-dimensional line of defense to contain "foreign garbage".

  Source: "Ban Yue Tan" 2022 Issue No. 6 Original title: "Smuggling "foreign garbage", many tricks"

  Banyue Talks Reporter: Zhang Yuqi, Mao Xintan, Xingxing and Yan Zhihong